  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationships among Work Values, Leadership Style, Employees’ Characteristics and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors –The Mainland China Employees as Empirical Samples

指導教授 : ARRAY(0xc9c6bf4)


本論文是以中國大陸員工的工作價值觀為研究主題,進行有關的理論構建和實證研究分析。在理論構建方面,本研究在探討國內外的工作價值觀文獻後,並結合訪談研究的結果,提出了四項工作價值觀構面,分別為物質追求、自我實現、和諧發展、與繁榮昌盛,稱之為「工作價值觀四構面模型」。然後以此模式為基礎,來探討工作價值觀與組識公民行為之間的關聯性,以及影響此關聯性的情境變項。在對員工的行為方面,本研究認為領導風格是重要的影響因素,並發現以領導者的德行為基礎的「真誠領導理論」,在工作價值觀與組織公民行為之間存在調節作用。本研究同時認為員工背景變項是另一項重要的影響因素。因此,在探討中國大陸員工的工作價值觀與組識公民行為的關聯性時,將採取真誠領導風格與人口統計變量做為情境變項。 在實證分析方面,首先利用定性方式,分別對各種不同國籍的經理人員(共十五名)、和一般大陸籍員工(共三十名),進行三十分鐘左右的訪談。大部分受訪的領導與員工都對本研究的理論模型持正面的態度。其次,針對25家中國大陸企業的225名領導和1064名員工進行配對問卷調查。統計分析後可歸納為下列四項研究發現: (1) 中國大陸企業員工的工作價值觀,多數包含於四類價值觀中,顯示「工作價值觀四構面模型」獲得支持。其中「和諧發展」價值觀所受到的重視程度最高,「自我實現」價值觀次之,「物質追求」價值觀第三,最後是「繁榮昌盛」價值觀。 (2) 工作價值觀和組織公民行為之間存在顯著的關聯性。其中,「物質條件」價值觀能夠顯著降低員工的「負責盡職行為」;「自我實現」價值觀能顯著促進員工的「公司認同行為」、「利他行為」、「負責盡職行為」、和「人際和諧行為」;而「和諧發展」價值觀能顯著促進員工的「利他行為」、「負責盡職行為」、「人際和諧行為」、以及「保護公司資源」;至於「繁榮昌盛」價值觀會顯著降低員工的「人際和諧行為」,但會促進「負責盡職行為」、「利他行為」、以及「公司認同」。 (3) 真誠領導在工作價值觀與組織公民行為之間具有調節作用。其中,真誠領導能增強「自我實現」價值觀與「和諧發展」價值觀對「公司認同」的促進作用,增強「自我實現」價值觀與「和諧發展」價值觀對「利他行為」的促進作用,增強「和諧發展」價值觀對「負責盡職行為」的促進作用,增強「和諧發展」價值觀對「人際和諧行為」的促進作用,減弱「物質條件」價值觀對「利他行為」、「人際和諧行為」以及「保護公司資源」的負面作用,減弱「繁榮昌盛」價值觀對「保護公司資源」的負面作用。 (4) 人口統計變量在工作價值觀與組織公民行為之間具有調節作用。其中,性別能夠降低「物質追求」價值觀,對於「人際和諧行為」的負面作用;工作年限能夠降低「物質追求」價值觀對「保護公司資源」的負面作用。年齡能夠降低「和諧發展」價值觀,對「利他行為」的正面作用。年齡能夠降低「和諧發展」價值觀對「保護公司資源」的正面作用。職位階層能夠促進「繁榮昌盛」價值觀,對「公司認同行為」、和「利他行為」的正面作用。工作年限能夠促進「繁榮昌盛」價值觀,對「負責盡職」行為的正面作用。年齡、和工作年限均能夠降低「繁榮昌盛」價值觀對「保護公司資源」的負面作用。


This study deals with theory building and practical analysis of Mainland China employees' work value. As Mainland China has experienced rapid environmental changes in recent years, the shifts of its social value, ideology and other factors have caused great differences in people’s work values. Thus, for combining literature review and one-on-one interview processes, four-dimension of work value model has been constructed, which including : material pursuing, self-realizing, harmonized developing, and flourished prospering, namely “Four Dimension Model for Work Value” The relationships among work values, leadership style, employees’ characteristics and organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs) will be explored based on this model. Authentic Leadership and demographic variables in the construct serve as the mediators between work values and OCB. 45 employees from different enterprises and with different level of positions had been interviewed during the research, followed by the questionnaire survey. In total, more than 1000 employees from 25 Mainland China enterprises were surveyed. The major findings are: (1) One of the findings indicates some support for the notion that the “Four Dimension Model for Work Value” adds incremental validity over existing Mainland employees’ work values. Among the four, harmonized developing value viewed as the most important work value by Chinese workers, and followed by self-realizing value, material pursuing value, and flourished prospering value. (2) There are linkages between work value and organizational citizenship behavior. Material pursuing value demotes conscientiousness behavior; as self-realizing value promotes four factors of OCB, i.e. identification with the organization, altruism, conscientiousness, and interpersonal harmony; same relationship between harmonized developing value to altruism, conscientiousness, interpersonal harmony, and protecting company resources takes place. Flourished prospering value is a negative predictor of interpersonal harmony, in the mean time; it is a positive predictor of conscientiousness, altruism, and identification with the organization. (3) The relationship between work value and OCB is mediated by authentic leadership. The positive relationships get stronger as the interaction effects between authentic leadership and both self-realizing value and harmonized developing value to identification with the organization, and altruism. The result indicates that the interaction effects between authentic leadership and harmonized developing value both to conscientiousness, and interpersonal harmony are positively related. Authentic leadership suppress the negative relationships both between material pursuing value to altruism, interpersonal harmony, protecting company resources, same as the relationship between flourished prospering value to protecting company resources. (4) The relationship between work value and OCB is mediated by demographic variables. Both gender and service year can suppress the negative relationships between material pursuing value to interpersonal harmony, and to protecting company resources. Age can suppress the positive relationships between harmonized developing value both to altruism and to protecting company resources. The positive relationships get stronger as the position level interaction effects between and both flourished prospering value to identification with the organization, and to altruism. The positive relationships also get stronger as the service year interaction effects between and both flourished prospering value to conscientiousness. Both age and service year can can suppress the negative relationships between flourished prospering value to protecting company resources.




