  • 學位論文

教務主任課程領導之個案研究 -以臺北市ㄧ所私立國民小學為例

A Case Study on Curriculum Leadership of a Director of Academic Affairs at a Private Elementary School in Taipei City

指導教授 : 簡玉敏


摘 要 本研究旨在暸解一所私立國民小學教務主任課程領導之現況,探究個案教務主任在進行課程領導時所扮演的角色及任務為何?歷程及其相關策略又為何?以及教務主任在課程領導時所可能遭遇的困境及其因應策略。 本研究以一所私立國民小學-棉花糖小學為研究場域,進行教務主任課程領導之個案研究,主要採用深度訪談、直接參與觀察與文件分析等方法蒐集資料並予以分析,研究結論如下: 一、個案教務主任課程領導之角色,可以分為課程發展及行政領導兩大層面。 課程發展層面之角色包括:課程領航者、課程建構者、知識轉化者、品質監督者;行政領導層面之角色包括:全面參與者、人際溝通者、關懷激勵者、教師潛能啟 動者、資源提供者。 二、個案教務主任課程領導的任務包括全盤的市場分析、共塑課程品牌特色、協助累 積教師發展課程之專業能量、建立學習型組織、教學視導、課程評鑑及資源的整 合與運用。 三、個案教務主任課程領導之歷程包括全面分析學校情境,建構課程發展願景;以「由 上而下」及「由下而上」雙軌方式規劃課程;多元管道方式發展實施;動態循 環的評鑑模式。 四、個案教務主任課程領導之策略包括目標整合策略、教師增能策略、團隊合作策略、 全面參與策略以及組織再造策略。 五、個案教務主任課程領導所碰到的困境,有個人、學校內部組織及外在環境層面之 問題。 六、個案教務主任課程領導個人之因應策略包括在不違背個人教育理念之下,取得平 衡之道;加強個人課程領導專業知能以及提升自我壓力容忍度。 七、個案教務主任課程領導針對學校內部組織之因應策略包括提昇教師教學能量、組 織人力彈性化以及兼顧校園合諧之教師教學評鑑機制之建立。 八、個案教務主任課程領導針對學校外部組織之因應策略包括調整腳步,加快主題統 整課程的研發與執行以及加強親師溝通工作。 基於上述研究發現,研究者針對個案教務主任、國民小學教務主任、教育行政 主管機關以及未來相關研究提供建議。


A Case Study on Curriculum Leadership of a Director of Academic Affairs at a Private Elementary School in Taipei City Yi-Hsin Li Abstract The purpose of this study was to recognize the current status of director of academic affairs curriculum leadership at a private elementary school in Taipei city. It aimed to explore the role and the task of the director while performing curriculum leadership as well as the process, relevant strategies, the faced difficulties and the coping strategies. The arena in this study was Cotton Candy Elementary School. The case study of the academic director’s curriculum leadership was carried out based on the methods of in-depth interview, participation observation and documentary analysis. The conclusions of the study were as follows: 1. The academic director played the roles as curriculum navigator, constructor and participator, knowledge transformer, quality monitor, interpersonal communicator, caring galvanizer and resource suppliers. 2. The tasks of the academic director were to analyze the market, form brand characteristics, and establish learning organization, instructional supervision, and curriculum evaluation as well as to integrate the school resources. 3. The process involved in the curriculum leadership included complete analysis of the school context, building the curriculum vision, and establishing cyclic dynamic evaluation model. 4. The strategies taken by the academic director included target integration, teacher empowerment, team cooperation, total involvement and reconstruction of school organization. 5. The difficulties encountered in the case study could be divided into three factors: personal factors, school interior organization factors and external environmental factors. 6. The coping strategies taken by the academic director involved personal aspects, school interior organization aspects and external environment aspects. According to those findings above, the researcher proposed some suggestions for the elementary school academic directors, administrative authorities and reference resources for future researches.




