  • 學位論文


An Action Research of Applying Interactive Whiteboard to Develop A Middle Science Teacher’s Pedagogical Content Knowledge

指導教授 : 張世忠


摘要 本研究旨在探討國中科學教師使用互動式電子白板教學以發展其學科教學知識(PCK),以及學生知覺教師學科教學知識的改變,最後探討使用互動式電子白板教學的困境與解決方法。本研究採行動研究法,於102學年度第一學期實施(自102年9月至103年1月中旬),針對研究者任教班級的三十二名八年級國中學生實施理化課程教學。資料蒐集包含質性和量化資料,質性資料有教師教學省思札記、學生的學習單、學生晤談紀錄,量化資料則以「學生對教師學科教學知覺問卷(SPOTK)」進行描述性統計和t檢驗分析。藉由收集之資料進行分析,在教學過程中不斷反思以改進教學。 研究結果顯示,教師初始PCK較為單調、變化性較小,在經過使用電子白板教學大約三個月的時間之後,在「教學策略」、「教學表徵」、「學科內容知識」與「學生知識與評量」四個向度皆達顯著差異: (一)在教學策略方面:教師能依據課程內容採用不同的教學方法,採用適合學生學習的方式;並增加使用模型、圖片來講解科學概念,也於課堂上採用分組教學。 (二)在教學表徵方面:教師使用學生熟悉的例子、比喻來講解課程內容,也透過電子白板,呈現出大量的flash動畫與圖片,並於課堂上進行示範實驗,並播放較多與課程相關的影片;並適時調整課程內容以彌補授課時間不足的問題。 (三)在學科內容知識方面:教師能清楚說明科學概念與解決學生所提出之問題,也透過電子白板增加解釋科學對社會、科技之間的影響,並講解科學史。 (四)在學生知識與評量方面:教師繼續採用抽籤、考卷的方式評量,另外也採用填寫學習單、小組競賽、上台搶答等方式評量學生知識,評量方式更多元化。 在使用電子白板的教學過程中也面臨了一些困境:1.使用電子白板環境有待改善。2.教學單元選擇問題。3.教師資訊能力不足。 從研究結果顯示電子白板有助於圖片、影片、動畫和實驗的增加,有利於學生理解複雜科學概念。而教師在教學過程中,透過自我反思持續調整教學活動,使得PCK得以發展。


電子白板 PCK 行動研究


Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate how a junior high school science teacher develops her pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) with interactive whiteboard(IWB) to assess students' perception of the change in their teacher's teaching style, and finally to discuss the difficulties and solutions of operating IWB as the teaching tools. This study was implemented for 32 eighth grade students in the researcher’s class to be taught science knowledge from September in 2013 to January in 2014. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were used in the study. The qualitative data included the interview students, students’ worksheets, and teacher’s reflection journals. The collection of the quantitative data included pre and post of “The Students’ Perceptions of Teacher’s Knowledge (SPOTK)”. Data analysis included descriptive statistics and t-tests analysis. In order to improve teach, I analyzed the collected data and figured out what's better to do in the teaching process . The results of this study showed that researcher’s original pedagogical content teaching was unitary. However, with the application of IWB teaching for about three months, the results of this research had shown that: “instructional repertoire”, “representational repertoire”, “subject-matter knowledge” and “knowledge of how to assess students’ understanding”. The four concepts reached the statistic significant differences. 1.Instructional repertoire: Based on the curriculum, teachers could adapt suitable teaching methods for their students in different teaching circumstances. One way was to increase the use of models and pictures to explain scientific concepts, another was the use of group teaching in the classroom. 2.Representational repertoire: Teachers used familiar examples for students like showing flash animation and science-related pictures or videos to explain the course contents through the whiteboard. Otherwise, teachers also adjusted their course contents to optimize the teaching time in class. 3.Subject-matter knowledge: Teachers not only explained scientific concepts clearly and solved problems of their students but also increased the interpretations between the social sciences, science and technology through the whiteboard and explained the history of science. 4.Knowledge of how to assess students’ understanding: There were diverse methods to assess students’ science knowledge, teachers used ballot papers assessment methods, fill orders, team competitions, and on-stage-answer. Some difficulties of using the whiteboard teaching also showed up, such like the unsuitable environment while using whiteboard, and appropriate teaching-unit selection. Also, the lack of information for students was involved in all these difficulties. In the results, using whiteboard as teaching tool is favorable for helping the students to understand complex science knowledge by the science related figures, pictures, and videos. Through the self thinking, teachers might change their teaching methods to fit in the class, and also develop their PCK.


