  • 學位論文


A Narrative Study of the Immigration and Cross-Cultural Experience of Teaching Practice

指導教授 : 簡玉敏


移民經驗是我個人生命中的一份「禮物」。移民對我而言除了地理位置的移動外,也隨著移動的過程讓我經歷了一段艱辛的日子。原本一直以為不堪回首的成長過程以及困苦的移民經驗,竟到後來透過自我敘說的研究方法讓我意外發現那些在我內心長期傷痛的成長歷程以及辛苦的移民過程竟轉換成為我現在生活及教學上一份最棒的「禮物」。 透過「回溯」、「反思」並「發現」的歷程,讓我發現移民經驗對身為跨文化教師的我的影響與教學實踐激盪出以下幾點: 一、 移民經驗除了增進我的適應能力外,也促進我的人際互動能力,養成我「心存感恩」及「身段柔軟」的為人處世態度,並且讓我體認與釋懷移民歷程的辛苦。 二、 移民經驗拓展了我的文化視野,也提昇了我的多元文化洞察力,並透過平日的教學展現多元文化素養。 三、 游移於不同文化間所產生的教育體制、師生關係、以及文化差異的拉鋸,對我的教育理念及教學實踐造成雙邊衝擊與掙扎,至今仍持續在教學場域中試探及調適。 我將透過回溯敘寫整理這些生命的經驗,再從故事經驗中賦予新的意義,並在每個教學現場體驗經歷,反思後再實踐。


跨文化教師 敘事研究 移民


My immigrant experience can be treated as a gift in my life. To me, immigrations not only a geographical move, but also a series of difficulties along with it. In this research, self-narrative is applied to review my growing process and its impacts on my teaching practice. To my surprise, what used to be melancholy memories turned out to be the nutrition for both my life and teaching career. In this study, through “retrospective”, “reflection” and “discovery” methods, the influence of the immigrant experience over a cross-cultural teacher and his teaching practice is found as followed: 1. Both of my ability to adapt to a new environment and my interpersonal skills are improved with my immigrant background. Also, I can better understand people from the same background and their struggles, and relieved myself from the precedent discomfort. 2. My horizon has been broadened and my multicultural insight has been sharpened. Furthermore, my multicultural literacy can be demonstrated in my teaching practice. 3. The struggle between different cultures has a continuous impact on my philosophy of education and teaching practice. Through the narrative research, my personal stories will be rebuilt and given a new interpretation. Then, along with the reflection on my teaching, the new action plans are made.


immigration cross-cultural teacher Narrative


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