  • 學位論文

台灣文化創意於歷史街區空間運用之研究 -以台北市迪化街複合店家為例

Taiwan culture creativity research in historical block space utilization- The case of Taipei Dihua Street composite stores

指導教授 : 魏主榮


摘要 全世界各地發展至今,社會進步的速度已不可同日而語,在日常的生活也講求優質舒適,而室內設計也成為在現今生活品味要求下美學表現的方式,甚至於更進階到整體的家居設計,涵蓋的層面也擴大到空間、建築外觀、美學的展現。這些年更有將老建築的空間,藉由室內設計的巧思注入不一樣的元素,讓原本歷時已久看起來灰暗的建築變得煥然一新,保留了歷史的原有味道卻多了現代的思維,再造老屋新契機,把室內設計結合文化創意再造美學的環境,相信這也是設計者對於設計面相的重要課題。 本研究以台北市迪化街的街屋結合文化創意產業空間運用議題為主,探討店家從街區再造的歷程以及設計再造之前後的關係。研究方法的執行操作以本文將迪化街的歷史、空間、生活、設計、發展做分類,從生活者的角度分析了這五個面向對於在地人的影響。而歷史空間經由設計再造後吸引了文創及藝術工作者進駐,在街屋的內部形成了一個創新的複合環境,提供陶藝、茶館、藝術創作、畫廊、手作等……,形成一種歷史、人文、藝術融合為一的氛圍,成為國際觀光客到訪台北的必遊亮點。除了發現迪化街現今的樣貌,另外,設定一對照組台南市神農街,以深度訪談的做法,各別訪問十位在迪化街與神農街上店家老闆與在地民眾及外來遊客,探討再造後兩地老街區未來發展的看法。 最後本研究將歷史街區在地人的看法與觀光客及訪談者的初步結論做出比較,以再造後的景象、人潮、環境和之前有何不同之處,並以相關對照組做對照,室內設計在這一環節扮演著何種角色,對於舊有歷史街區建築及室內空間的文創影響, 舊與新在現代觀之下如何去展現設計的美學競爭力,進而永續的去發展它。


ABSTRACT Under the perspective of worldly development today, the speed of social progress has become more different than before. It also emphasizes high-quality comfort in daily life. Meanwhile, interior design becomes one of the esthetic performances to present the taste of life. Furthermore, it steps into the level of whole-house design. It also concludes the space, the appearance of the building, and the way of presenting esthetics. In recent years, the transformation of old buildings has developed different elements by interior design. Interior design turns the old houses into brand-new appearances but also keeps the original elements in them with modern concepts. Restoration of old houses combines cultural creativities and interior design, and it is widely believed that the restoration is an important issue for designers. The research focuses on the idea of environmental restoration through combining cultural creativity industry in Dihua Street, Taipei. This paper aims at discussing the relationship between the history of restoration and the restoration by re-designed. The method of the study bases on classification of history, space, life, design, and development. Moreover, this paper analyzes the affections by the five categories that mentioned above. The re-designed spaces attract cultural and creative workers and artists to station in thus the spaces become complex environment inside the street houses. For instance, pottery, tea houses, art works, galleries, hand-made works, etc. The restoration of old houses forms a kind of aura that combines history, humanity, and art. Meanwhile, these restoration spaces have become the must-see sights for foreign tourists. Now, what changes does it make to Dihua Street? This paper sets another comparison by interviewing ten store owners, local people, and tourists in Dihua Street and Shen Nong Street, Tainan. The interview explores their points of view of future development on the restoration of old streets. Finally, this paper will draw the conclusion according to the interview, and compare the differences between the old streets and re-designed streets. In the mean time, this paper will compare the control groups to analyze how the interior design affects the old streets and interior spaces; in other words, this paper will disclose the esthetics of design under the perspective of modern ideas to affect other designers, and finally to conduct the coexistence and mutual prosperity of new and old.




