  • 學位論文


Using Eye Tracking to Explore Insomnia College Students Reading Efficiency

指導教授 : 周永燦


睡眠是生物基本生理現象,人類的生命週期中有三分之一以上的時間是在睡眠中度過,藉由睡眠可提升人體免疫力及環境抵抗力。根據世界衛生組織的「失眠症自我評估表」調查顯示15至24歲族群中有13.23%的人有「早上會起不來」、11.81%的人有「醒來時仍感疲倦」、9.61%的人有「睡眠無法讓我精神飽滿甦活」等睡眠困擾。研究指出約有55%的大學生有失眠現象,失眠是由負面的情緒及身體處於興奮狀態造成,失眠包含兩種狀況:難以開始及難以維持睡眠;當睡眠不足時,記憶力將會受到影響,造成學習困難。因此,本研究探討三種文章編排模式,包括字體大小改變為14pt及單行字數固定為24字元,對睡眠障礙大學生閱讀情況的影響,分析學生答題結果,找出睡眠障礙大學生閱讀效率較高之文章編排模式,並作為將來製作教材或上課講義備課之參考。 本研究之研究對象為私立大學睡眠障礙學生與一般學生。首先尋找主題相似內容較乏味之長篇文章,邀請一般大學生進行閱讀測驗,增加文章信度與效度。再利用眼動儀追蹤記錄受試者閱讀文章時的眼球移動歷程及閱讀時間;接著針對文章內容進行閱讀測驗,針對其數據結果利用ANOVA進行分析。本研究結果得知文章字體大小調整為14pt有助於睡眠障礙學生閱讀長篇文章。


Sleep is a basic physiological phenomenon of human. Human life in more than one third of the time spent in sleep. Sleep can increase immunity and environmental resistance. World Health Organization survey showed that in 15-24 age group had 13.23 percent of the people "Can't get up in the morning", 11.81 percent of people "still feel tired when you wake up", 9.61% of people have "Sleep not make me full of energy" and other sleep disturbance. Studies pointed out that about 55 percent of college students have insomnia, insomnia is a negative emotional and physical state of excitement caused. Insomnia includes difficult start and difficulty maintaining sleep. When the sleep time is reduced, memory will be affected and cause learning difficulties. Therefore, the study investigated the two kinds of article layout mode. Including changing the font size to 14pt and change words count to 24 words each single line, the impact of insomnia college students reading situation and analyze student answers. Find out the article layout mode that can improve the efficiency of insomnia college students reading efficiency. The subjects of this study is insomnia university students and the general student. First, look for similar content compared boring lengthy article, students were invited to the general reading test, increasing the reliability and validity of the article. Then by measuring eye movement trajectory and reading time to read the article when using eye tracker to track and record the subject, then test for the content of the article to be read by using ANOVA to analyze the data for their results. The result of this study is change the font size to 14pt can help insomnia university students reading article.


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