  • 學位論文


A Study on the Total Quality Management Strategies of the Tutoring Industry

指導教授 : 顧志遠


本研究主要是在探討全面品質管理(TQM)策略運用於補教業管理之可行性。先探討全面品質管理之相關的理論和文獻,再以三位學者,戴明、朱蘭、克勞斯比之全面品質管理理論建構出補教業之策略管理,從全面品質管理之理念:顧客導向、品質承諾、事先預防、全面參與、教育訓練、事實管理、持續改善等觀點,探究其在補教業無論是外部顧客或內部顧客之策略管理,都有極大的幫助與品質管理的最佳性。 本研究採用個案研究法,將補教業依核心目的性分為三個不同類型,分別為以照顧為導向的兒童課後照顧服務中心(安親班)、以潛能開發為導向的才藝美語補習班、以升學為導向的課業補習班三種,就全面性及資料內容來分析、歸納、整理各項全面品質管理策略,進而建立最佳的補教業全面品質管理策略,同時也歸納出全面品質管理(TQM)在補教業如何被採用與規劃。 發現全面品質管理的事前管理包括顧客導向、品質承諾以及事先預防,對兒童課後照顧服務中心及課業補習班之TQM管理有較多顯著。事中管理包括全面參與、教育訓練以及事實管理,對才藝美語補習班之TQM管理有較多顯著。事後管理的持續改善則對三個不同核心目的性的補習班分別為兒童課後照顧服務中心(安親班)、才藝美語補習班、課業補習班皆有實質的幫助性。TQM管理應用在這三個目的性不同的補習班也有其差異性。


The study mainly discussed the feasibility of applying Total Quality Management (TQM) strategies on the tutoring industry. Theories and literatures related to TQM were explored first, and the specific strategies for tutoring industry were structured according to the theories of Deming, Juran and Crosby. Based on the views of TQM such as customer oriented, quality commitment, prior prevention, overall engagement, educational training, facts management and continuous improvement, the study tried to verify that TQM is the most useful strategy and the best choice for the tutoring industry in terms of both internal and external customer strategic management. Based on case study, the tutoring industry was divided into three types according to the core intentions, i.e., the care-oriented Children Daycares after class, the potential-developing-oriented training classes of talents, arts and languages, and the entrance-oriented remedial classes. The study analyzed and summarized the factors of TQM from perspective of comprehension and data review, and thus built the best TQM strategies for tutoring industry and concluded how TQM is used and planned by the industry. It’s found that the customer oriented, quality commitment and prior prevention, the three factors of pre-management of TQM, make significant influence on the TQM of Children Daycares and remedial classes; the overall engagement, educational training, and factors management, the three factors of in-process management influence more on the TQM of talent training classes; the continuous improvement of post-management of TQM is practically useful for all the three types of tutoring classes; and TQM is practiced differently according to those three different types.


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