  • 學位論文


A Study of Applying B.O.T Financial Feasibility Analysis Models to The Project of Kaohsiung Healthy Culture Park

指導教授 : 洪振虔 吳英偉


受到週休二日與人民休閒意識的提升,使得高雄市面貌不斷的蛻變,許多健康休閒相關之公共基礎建設也不斷的持續興建中;然而,龐大的建設資金,長久以來一直是政府部門財政上的一大負擔,為了減輕財政窘困問題,政府單位決定積極推動並鼓勵民間參與經營、投資公共基礎建設;因此引進國外行之有年的興建-營運-轉移模式(Build-Operate-Transfer;BOT Models),冀望以此模式來吸引民間投資企業的加入,並藉此提昇整體公共建設的品質。 本研究乃是以高雄市文化園區開發個案為例子,並且以民間投資業者之角度,運用財務模式推估未來園區內興建之健康休閒大樓興建成本與進駐之廠商營運回收年限,提出合理之預測成本與收入,藉由敏感性分析方法,擬定合理之評估方案,建立整體財務可行性評估與投資企業的可行性,其評估結果可提供民間企業於未來投資專案時有實質上之效益。


In recent years, weekend recreation has become an important trend in urban life. More People are willing to spend more time and more money on their leisure activities. With the growing needs of leisure environments, Kaohsiung City Government has started to establish several significant public recreation construction plans in Kaohsiung city. However, the huge amount of investment on public construction has become a major financial concern. By means of BOT, the city government has determined to encourage the private investors to participate in these public recreation projects. As a method of attracting private investors’ attentions to involve in public projects, Kaohsiung City Government has adopted a new model - BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer), which has been operated in developed countries to enhance the qualities in public constructions. This study takes the feasibility of Kaohsiung Healthy Culture Park as an example; it enables the private investors to know the cost of healthy recreation constructions in the park and the predictable cost and benefits in the future. By using the sensitive financial analysis method and making a rational estimative plan, this study gives the private enterprises an affective measurement of making public investments in recommended proposals and investment estimates.


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