  • 學位論文


Residents’ Perceptions and Attitudes Toward Tourism Impact -The Case of Chijin Area

指導教授 : 陳慧玲


本研究主要目的是探討旗津地區居民對觀光發展所造成衝擊之認知與態度。由居民的特性、居民與遊客的互動、地區差異性和社區意識四方面,檢視居民對觀光發展衝擊之認知差異,進而討論對其觀光發展態度上所產生的影響。 本研究對居民採問卷調查法以瞭解其背景資料、與遊客的互動、社區意識和對觀光發展衝擊之認知和所持態度。此外亦利用二手資料蒐集來探討旗津地區差異性。資料分析方法包括:描述性統計、因素分析、t檢定、典型相關、單因子變異數分析及迴歸分析。研究結果如下: 一、 居民對觀光發展衝擊認知正負面兼具,其中對經濟層面感受程度最深。 二、 居民特性之不同,其對觀光衝擊認知有顯著差異,包含性別、教育程度、是否從事觀光業、居住時間、居住地區等特性。 三、 居民與遊客互動的情形對觀光發展衝擊的認知有關係。 四、 地區差異化分別從「政府組織管理」、「觀光發展程度」、「觀光資源」及「觀光發展類型」探討,發現分別對觀光發展衝擊的部份認知達顯著相關。 五、 由典型相關中獲知,社區意識之「社區發展」、「社區認同」和「社區互動」為影響觀光衝擊認知之主要因素。 六、 由迴歸分析發現,「經濟生活」、「文化交流」、「經濟發展」與「社區交流」等居民衝擊認知因素,影響其觀光發展態度。 關鍵字: 觀光衝擊、態度、居民與遊客互動、社區意識、地區差異性




The objective of this research was to investigate residents’ perceptions and attitudes towards tourism development in Cijin area. It also explored the relationships of residents’ characteristics, interaction with tourists, the differentiation of places and the sense of community to residents’ perceptions of tourism impact. And further the influence of their perceived tourism impact to their attitudes towards tourism development was examined. The questionnaire survey method was undertaken on a convenience sample of 790 to collect the required data. Besides, the second-hand data was used to explore the area differences of resource characteristics and types of development in Cijin district. Descriptive analysis, factor analysis, t-test, canonical correlation, one-way ANOVA and multiple regression analysis were conducted. The findings revealed as follows: 1. Residents perceived both positive and negative impacts of tourism development. And they were mostly affected by the economic impact. 2. Different residents’ characteristics had significant influences on impact perception of tourism development, including residents’ gender, education level, engaged in tourism industry or not, length of residency and places of residency. 3. Residents’ interaction with tourists had significant correlation with part of the impact perception of tourism development. 4. There were partly significant correlations between the impact perception of tourism development and the differentiation of residence areas segmented by “government management”, “the level of tourism development”, “tourism resources” and “the kinds of tourism development”. 5.Through canonical correlation analysis, the study found out that residents’ sense of community on “community development”, “community recognition” and “community interaction” were the major factor influencing residents’ perception of tourism development. 6.Through regression analysis, residents’ impact perception on “economic life”, “culture interaction” and “community interaction” had significant influences on their attitudes towards tourism impacts. Key words::Tourism impact, Attitudes, Interaction between residents and tourists, Sense of community, Differentiation of places


tourism impact


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