  • 學位論文


A Study of Hakka Dietary Culture and Hakka Image to Purchase Intention

指導教授 : 鄭駿豪




Culture of an ethnic group or a country would combine with other cultures because of dominion, migration and exogamy. There has been gradually decreased distinction among ethnic groups, and also culture slowly declines such as Hakka culture. Culture includes many levels, dietary culture is one of them. Dietary culture has the closest relationship to people. Therefore, it was chosen for the research topic. The research tests customers’ purchase intention in order to realize Hakka dietary culture and understand whether the influence of Hakka images affects purchase intention or not. The research adapts accidental sampling, and the place researched is Liudui Hakka, which is located in Neipu Township, Pingtung County. Participants are the adults who visit Liudui Hakka. A total of 412 questionnaires were distributed; 403 questionnaires were returned. 18 questionnaires were screened out; in other word, effective response rate was 93%. The questionnaires were analyzed by SPSS. The research results: Having concept of Hakka dietary culture is positively related to purchase intention; Hakka image is positively related to purchase intention; Participants who have Hakka spouse, Hakka father or Hakka mother is positively related to purchase intention. Hakka Affairs Council may put placard or provide pamphlets at Hakka restaurant in order to send Hakka dietary knowledge when customers dine here. Also, through being with Hakka spouse, Hakka father or Hakka mother, people who are not Hakka have chances to absorb more Hakka information and share the information with others. With these steps, Hakka culture can be wide spread in our society. The situation that only a few people are familiar with this culture could accordingly be reversed.


