  • 學位論文


A study on the relationship between the professional competence of the leisure farm staffs toward experience and consumption intention of customers

指導教授 : 蕭登元
共同指導教授 : 柯嘉鈞


臺灣區域性鄉村遊憩市場的消費需求逐年成長,現今台灣鄉村遊憩體驗地點的選擇以休閒農場最具代表性。近年來休閒農場的研究中,尚缺乏農場從業人員之專業能力評估量表,也是對於人員的專業評估研究不足之處。在休閒農場經營過程裡,人力上任用、培訓一直是常被忽略的一環,也是經營困難點,而農場的服務品質賴於員工專業的表現,面對未來多元的消費型態,農場員工可視為同業競爭優勢關鍵的重要來源。因此本研究將透過文獻分析、深度訪談、專家內容效度等操作,建置出適用於描述解釋農場人力專業能力量表,進而利用問卷調查法為研究工具,再以階層線性模式(Hierarchical Linear Modeling),來分析從業人員專業能力及遊客面之體驗滿意度、產品消費意願之相關情形。研究證實休閒農場人力專業能力正向影響體驗滿意度,檢定結果為部分成立,亦即專業能力中的環境管理、活動解說、個人特質達顯著影響體驗滿意度;休閒農場人力專業能力正向影響產品消費意願,檢定結果為部分成立,亦即專業能力中的生產加工、危機處理、團隊取向達顯著影響產品消費意願;遊客農業體驗滿意度正向影響產品消費意願,檢定結果為成立;遊客農業體驗滿意度經由休閒農場人力專業能力之中介效果與產品消費意願有關,檢定結果為部分成立,亦即專業能力中的環境管理、活動解說、與生產加工對於體驗滿意度與產品消費意願有正向中介效果。 本研究建置專門衡量休閒農場從業人員之專業能力量表,提供專屬於農場人力專業能力之測定,可以作為未來業者選才、育才之依據,亦提供從業人員、遊客之間的統計分析,讓業者即時了解目前員工的能力狀況以及遊客感受,讓業者能夠在最佳時機投入最適當的資源,避免錯誤決策造成經濟上之耗費,以獲取最大經濟效益。


The demand of rural recreational market was growing in the recent years. In Taiwan, leisure farm is the most representative destination of the rural recreational experience. Recent studies about the leisure farm did not focus on the professional competence of employee and the lack of the related studies show that the human resources management is always disregarded when operating the leisure farm. However, management strategies of human resources such as employ criterion and professional competence training are important. Furthermore, the satisfaction of visitors and the quality of service are dependent on the professional performance of employees. With the diverse consumption patterns nowadays, the staffs of the leisure farm act the most important and key roles.In view of the above, the study will construct the comprehensive professional competence measurement scale through the procedures of literature review, in-depth interview, and expert validity examining. At the follow phase, the study will employ a questionnaire survey approach and use the Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM)to analysis the data, as well as explore the relationship between the professional competence of the leisure farm staffs and experience satisfaction and consumption intention of customers.The results show that: 1.The relation that professional competence of leisure farm employee has a significant positive effect upon experience satisfaction is partially supported. 2. The relation that professional competence of leisure farm employee has a significant positive effect upon consumption intention is partially supported. 3. The relation that visitors’ experience satisfaction has a significant positive effect upon consumption intention. 4. Professional competence of leisure farm employee has the significant mediating effect between the visitors’ experience satisfaction and consumption intention is partially supported.Overall, this study developed a reliable and validly measure scale of professional competence of leisure farm employee. The scale, as a career examine, could be provided managers to select employees of the leisure farm. The scale, furthermore, is provided management strategies of human resources about the employees’ professional competence and customers’ experience.The results of the study can help managers to understand understand the ability of state employees and visitors’ intention. The managers can put the appropriate resources at the appropriate time. To avoid the wrong decisions cause the waste of cost and obtain higher benefits.


