  • 學位論文

從課桌到講桌:師資職前教育專業課程對教師專業能力培育之探討 -以高職餐旅群教師為例

A Study on Understanding Hospitality Teachers’ Experiences on Their Teacher Competence Establishment through the Pre-Service Teacher Professional Education Program

指導教授 : 蘇雅慧


本研究旨在探討師資職前教育專業課程與教師專業能力培育之對應情形。本研究採質的研究方法,以任教於高職餐飲科/觀光科等相關科系且認證餐飲管理科或觀光事業科之中等教育合格師資為研究範圍,研究過程採半結構式訪談法,共計訪談十六位高職餐旅群教師。研究目的係為了透過高職餐旅群教師描述其修讀師資職前教育專業課程時,是如何透過課程養成自身教師專業能力,並依據其任教現場的教學經驗,提供師資職前教育專業課程與師資培育機構相關建議。本研究結果發現: 一、教育專業課程與高職教學現場結合性不高 二、教育專業課程可以奠定教育基本概念之基礎 三、教育專業課程著重培養師資生敬業態度與教育熱忱 四、非正式課程需提供多元學習與經驗傳承的機會 五、教學方式影響師資生教師專業能力的養成 六、師資培育過程缺乏輔導相關專業證照的考取管道 根據上述研究結果,提出相關建議如下: 一、對師資職前教育專業課程的建議 (一)引導學生將課程理論結合教學現場的實踐層面 (二)保持師資職前教育課程對師資生敬業精神與教師專業能力的正向培育 二、對師資培育機構的建議 (一)提供多類型的學習機會,增加師資生的教師專業能力 (二)輔導各科專業的考照資訊,把關師資生的專業能力 (三)與高職學校搭起友誼的橋梁,輔佐師資生至教學現場見習與試教


This study aimed to explore how the pre-service teacher professional education program has once facilitated professional teacher competence of hospitality teachers based on hospitality teachers’ views and experiences. The qualitative research was used through the semi-structured interviews with sixteen teachers who major in hospitality and are teaching in the hospitality department of vocational senior high schools. At the end of the interviewing, the interviewees (16 hospitality teachers) were asked for providing suggestions regarding institutional and curricular development based on their teaching experience and the past experience of studying the pre-service teacher professional education program. The results are as follows: 1.There was little integration between professional education courses and vocational education practices. 2.The interviewees considered professional education courses to serve as the basis for acquiring educational concepts and knowledge. 3.The professional education courses emphasized the cultivation of students’ professional attitude and the enthusiasm towards teaching. 4.The informal curriculum provided more opportunities for diverse learning and teaching experience delivery. 5.The teaching methods can affect the effects of cultivating the professional teacher competence. 6.The teacher education institution failed to emphasize and encourage the obtainment of professional licenses and certification. According to the results mentioned above, the suggestions for the pre-service professional education courses and the center of teacher education are as follows: 1.The suggestions for the pre-service professional education courses: (1)Guide students to integrate education theories with practical aspects of teaching onsite. (2)Maintain the positive progress of cultivating the professional attitude and educational enthusiasm through professional teacher education. 2.The suggestions for the center of teacher education: (1)Provide various types of learning opportunities to promote the professional teacher competence. (2)Provide the related information in order to help students obtain the professional hospitality licenses and certifications. (3)Strengthen the Cooperation with the vocational senior high schools, and help students associate educational theories with teaching practices onsite.




