  • 學位論文

產業聚落效益對廠商創新績效之影響 -以醫療相關產業聚落為例

Industrial Cluster Effect and Firm Innovation Performance:Evidence from Medical-Related Industrial Cluster

指導教授 : 林欣美


醫療產業聚落在台灣是一個較為特殊的服務型產業落,可是其聚落內的廠商間的合縱連橫並不少於其他產業聚落,其中,台灣醫療產業已逐漸走向弱肉強食的趨勢,基層醫療要能夠突破困境,就必須先了解自己本身的優勢與劣勢,醫療產業廠商也必須透過與醫院以及其他醫療體系廠商的合作會為企業帶來高度附加價值的創新活動,才是提升企業競爭力的重要因素。因此本研究從基本的產業聚落程度的衡量與觀察開始,分析產業聚落對創新績效的影響,再進一步探討透過不同的合作模式及其干擾效果對醫療產業聚落廠商創新績效的影響。 本研究以發放問卷方式來收集相關資料,母體的選擇以中部地區為主的醫療產業聚落,聚落廠商包括地區醫院、與醫院有業務往來的設備廠商,以及該地所在鄉鎮之醫療相關產業廠商為樣本發放問卷91份(有效回收率49%)。問卷內容之設計根據過去文獻及醫療產業聚落特色,分為供應商/顧客合作、大學/研究機構合作、政府合作、競爭者合作等四種合作模式、廠商創新績效,以及廠商基本資料等進行迴歸分析。 研究結果顯示,醫療產業廠商與供應商/顧客、大學/研究機構及競爭者的合作對創新績效有正向顯著影響,具備地理接近性之醫療產業對於廠商各種合作模式與創新績效之間的關係存在著正向顯著影響,而醫療產業與供應商/顧客的合作所帶來的創新績效,會受到「廠商與大學/研究機構及競爭者合作關係」的強化作用;大學/研究機構的合作所帶來的創新績效,也會受到「廠商與競爭者合作關係」的強化作用,另外,醫療產業與競爭者的合作所帶來的創新績效,亦會受到「大學/研究機構合作關係」的強化效果。


群聚 創新 醫療產業 產業聚落


Medical industry is a special kind of service-based industrial cluster. However, the mergers or cooperations are no less than other industrial cluster. In Taiwan, medical industry has gradually gone to a trend of the weak being merged by the strong. the smaller-scaled hospitals need interfirm cooperation to survive, and other medical-related frims have to ally with other firm in cluster so as to build uptheir own strength , and to innovate activities with high additional values for the industrial cluster. This research aims to analyze the influence of interfirm cooperations within medical-related industrial clustering to firm innovation performance. Moreover, the moderating effects betwee nthe relationship of modes of cooperation and firm innovation performance are also investigate. Then further investigates how innovation performance is influenced by different Using the 91 samples come from medical-related industrial clusters in central Taiwan, we tested medical-related firms arrages from district hospitals,hospital suppliers, to local medical-related firms. The cooperation modes are divided into four categories: cooperations with supplies and clients, cooperations with universities or research institutes, cooperations with governments, and cooperations with competitors. The results show that, first, both the cooperation with suppliers or clients, universities or research institutes, with and competitors, have a positive significant influence. Second, Cooperations characterized by geographically propinquity has a positive significant influence on innovation performance. Third, the innovation performance brought by the cooperations with suppliers/clients will be enhanced by ‘the cooperation between firms and universities/research institutes’.Fourth,the innovation performance brought by the cooperation between universities/research institutes will also be enhanced by the cooperation between firms and competitors. Furthermore, the innovation performance brought by the cooperation between medical-related industry and competitors will also be enhanced by the cooperation between universities/research institutes.




