  • 學位論文


Separation assault: Women's battered experience and coping behavior in the process of leaving male intimate partner

指導教授 : 王珮玲


本研究之主要目的為︰探討遭受分手暴力行為的受暴女性之經驗、瞭解分手 暴力行為對受暴女性的影響,以及探尋受暴女性如何因應分手暴力行為。 文獻探討部份首先瞭解受暴女性離開親密伴侶暴力的過程,當中包括受暴女 性選擇離開與不離開的原因,及受暴女性離開親密暴力關係後的情境脈絡為何; 第二節開始描述何謂分手暴力行為,從定義開始,以及分手暴力的成因、危險因 子和類型;第三節則闡述受暴女性對分手暴力的感受與經驗、分手暴力對受暴女 性的影響,及受暴女性因應分手暴力行為的方式;最後即根據前述文獻探討,擬 定出本研究的五個研究問題。 研究者共訪得八位受訪者,經分析過後發現,在婦女離開親密伴侶暴力的過 程中,施暴者的分手暴力形式包括肢體暴力、情緒虐待、跟蹤、騷擾、控制行為, 以及致命性行為與性虐待行為。而分手暴力行為會為婦女帶來生活上的影響,包 括更多的無力感與羞愧感、親子關係互動、不易專心於工作上,以及必須受到「名 義上」丈夫的限制,但也有的婦女表示分手暴力較親密伴侶暴力更不具影響性, 因為決定分手即表示自己無須再去在乎施暴者的行為。故,婦女會透過自身因應 (包括預防與反擊)以及向外求助(非正式系統與正式系統)方式來面對分手暴 力行為,而無論哪種方法,都會發生有效減緩分手暴力或是無效的情形產生。 總括以上,本研究整理出分手暴力議題的重要論點與建議,分述如下︰ 一、分手暴力觀念的背後涵義即為「權力」與「控制」,當施暴者意識到受暴女 性決心分手的意願後,即將面臨的即為權力的「曾經擁有,然後失去」之過 程,而此會讓施暴者產生不平衡或不甘心的心理,故施暴者會想要透過持續 的暴力行為來重申自己對親密伴侶的掌控權。 二、分手暴力中的性虐待行為很容易被忽略,當婦女處於決心分手但「尚未實際 離開施暴者身邊」或是「已經沒有同住但尚未離婚」時,無論是施暴者或是 受暴婦女,對於分手/離婚的性虐待就會視為「親密關係中的義務」,也因而 使得婦女持續地置身於分手暴力的風險當中。因此建議婦女決心與施暴者分 手後,盡量不要再與施暴者有親密關係或是金錢關係上的往來,以免造成施 暴者的誤會。 三、面對分手暴力的過程中,受暴女性會藉由對於施暴者的瞭解而擁有「危機意 識」來防範分手暴力行為的發生與其嚴重程度的提昇,但卻不是每位婦女都 能如此,當中的影響因素包括婦女對施暴者的瞭解程度、婦女是否擁有外在 資源的支持,以及婦女如何看待自己下定決心要與施暴者分開的意願。建議 婦女可以從瞭解施暴者的個人特質開始,來培養對於分手暴力行為的自我危 機意識。 四、外在資源系統應協助婦女堅持分手的決定,以及同理婦女在與施暴者分手之 後,是有可能處於更危險的情境當中之情形,否則會帶給婦女更多負面感受 和降低其對外求助的意願;最重要的是,要讓婦女相信,離開一段暴力關係 會是另一段新生活的開始,而不是必須要在分開過後持續地為自己的決定付 出代價。建議外在資源系統能適時給予婦女精神及行動上的支持與鼓勵、同 理婦女在分手後仍受暴的處境,以及提高對於分手暴力行為的敏感度,協助 減少婦女與施暴者接觸的機會。


The aims of this study are to explore the battered women’s separation assault experience, to realize the influence of separation assault on the battered women, and to understand how the battered women cope with separation assault. First, the literature review talks about the process of the battered women’s experiences of departing from intimate partner violence, including the battered women’s reasons for leaving or not leaving, and the context after separation. Then, the second chapter starts to describe what is separation assault, inclusive of the definition, the reasons why separation assault happened, risk factors of separation assault and the categories of separation assault. The third chapter discusses the battered women’s experiences and feelings of separation assault, and the impact of separation assault on the battered women, and the ways the battered women coped with separation assault. In the last chapter, there are five research questions based on the literature review. According to the experiences of the eight battered women, the types of the process of the perpetrators’ separation assault include physical assault, emotional abuse, stalking, harassment, controlling behavior, lethal violence and sexual abuse. In addition, separation assault exerts some influence on the battered women, such as the relationship with their children and their social life. Besides, they feel more embarrassment and powerlessness in their life. Even several of them have to be restricted by nominal husband. However, others say that separation assault has less influences than intimate partner violence because breaking up means that the they don’t have to care the perpetrators anymore. Hence, these women would have two ways to face separation assault: one is to deal with it on their own, like preventive measures and fighting back; the other is to ask the formal and informal systems for help. No matter which way the women chose, it turns out to be effective or ineffective to reduce separation assault. In sum, the study includes some important issues and suggestion of separation assault as follows: 1. The implication of separation assault is “power” and “control”. When the perpetrators becomes conscious of the women’s will of breaking up, they are about to confront the process of “once having power and then losing it” which makes them feel imbalanced in mentality, so they would try to reassert their power over the battered women by continuous violence. 2. The separation/divorce sexual assault is easily neglected. When the women are in the period of determining to leave the perpetrators but not having moved off in actual or having divorced yet, both the women and the perpetrators, they always sees the separation/divorce sexual assault as “the duty in the intimate relationship”. In this way, the women tend to be in the danger of the separation assault. So we advise that after determining to break up with the perpetrators, the women should decrease the communication with the perpetrators as far as possible for fear of the perpetrators’ misunderstanding. 3. In the process of facing separation assault, the battered women would have the “consciousness of crisis” to prevent the occurring of separation assault or the rising of its severity. But not every woman could have the consciousness of crisis, the influential factors contains how much the women know about the perpetrators, whether the women have the external support system or not and the way the women see their decision for terminating the relationship with the perpetrators. So we advise that the women could cultivate the consciousness of crisis for separation assault by realizing the characteristics of the perpetrators. 4. There is a need for the external support system to help battered women insist on the decision of breaking up with the perpetrators and to have the empathy with battered women’s more dangerous situation after leaving the perpetrators. Otherwise, battered women might have more negative feelings and less volition for seeking help. Most important of all, we should make battered women believe that they don’t have to pay for terminating the violent relationship but could start another whole new life after leaving. We advise that the external support system give the spiritual encouragement as well as practical support to women, empathize with battered women’s difficult situation after leaving, and heighten the sense of separation assault so as to diminish the possibilities that battered women will get contact with the perpetrators.




