  • 學位論文


The Chinese voting behaviour of 2008 General Election in West Malaysia: the Case of Selangor Darul Ehsan

指導教授 : 李美賢


2008年3月馬來西亞舉行了第十二屆全國大選,其選舉結果是讓人震驚的,華、巫、印三大族群的選民同時轉向,導致國民陣線失去了三分之二的多數優勢。選後一些政治學者試圖把選舉結果和選前的某些因素做結合,他們皆認為造成「308事件」的因素包括:民生議題、社會議題、另類媒體、安華效應和候選人形象左右了選民的投票決定。 本研究主要是以社會心理學研究途徑去探討2008年馬來西亞雪蘭莪州華裔選民投票行為。馬來西亞華裔選民的投票行為是否受到選民的特徵,如:世代、性別、居住地和社經地位的影響。308大選和前兩屆大選的選民行為有了強烈的變化;此次選舉中,馬來西亞華裔選民投票抉擇的依據是什麼?是政黨認同、抑或是議題導向、候選人素質,或是更重要的族群政治的考量。 本研究使用「問卷調查」和質化的「焦點團體訪談」收集相關數據。經回收296份問卷和舉行三場不同世代的焦點訪談後,研究發現選民個人特徵如:世代、性別、居住地和社經地位皆會影響選民的投票依據。 本研究的章節安排如下,本文先在緒論中,把研究的緣起、問題意識、研究概況、文獻和研究方法依序逐一編排。第二章則是以政黨、華團和選舉的面向探討西馬華人政治參與的歷史演進過程;第三章是理論和研究假設;第四章是研究發現和討論;第五章則是結論,提出在研究過程的限制和改進的方向。


The 12th General Election of Malaysia is held on March 8, 2008. The result of the election is surprising, Some Malay’s, Chinese’s and Indian’s are swing their vote from ruling party to the opposition party. After the election, the ruling coalition’s (Barisan National) losing its two-thirds majority advantage in Parliament. Furthermore some political Scholars are trying to explain the election result with the factors of pre-election; the pre-election factors like price hike, social safety, alternative media, Anwar Ibrahim and candidate’s orientation. They believe the voting decision process of this election may affected by the pre-election factors. This study will adopt a research approach of Social psychology to analysis the voting behaviour of Selangor Chinese voters in 2008. Did the voting behavior of Malaysian Chinese are affected by their own characteristic, such like generation, gender, living area and social-economic position. If the General Election of 2008 compared with 1999 and 2004, the voting behavior had been a change. Which orientation did the Chinese voters considered in 2008? The party alliance orientation, issue orientation, quality of candidate or race orientation. This study is using the survey and focus-group analysis to collecting data. After collecting 296 sets questionnaire and held three different generation focus-group. This study finds that characteristic like generation, gender, living area, social position will affect Chinese voters voting orientation. Overall, there are five chapters in this thesis. The introductory chapter will describe the research background, research question, literature review, research method and research limitation of the study. The political participation history of West Malaysian Chinese will take place in chapter 2, the research structure and hypothesis in chapter 3 and research finding and discussion in chapter 4. Lastly in chapter 5, the conclusion will discuss the limitation of the research process and improvement suggestion for the future studies.


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