  • 學位論文


A Study on Content Analysis of Southeast Asian Materials in Social Studies Textbook of Elementary School

指導教授 : 利亮時


本研究旨在探討國小社會領域教科書中東南亞教材之內容分析。以99學年度通過教育部審定之康軒版、南一版及翰林版社會領域教科書為研究對象。分析東南亞各國在國小社會領域教科書所呈現的情形;並從多元文化教育觀點檢視教科書中所隱藏之偏見。其研究結果如下: 一、 主題類目 (一) 整體東南亞教材內容在三個版本所呈現的次數與所佔該版比例,依序為:康軒版37次,翰林版37次,南一版31次;康軒版1.52%,翰林版1.38%,南一版1.24%;三個版本呈現東南亞教材總百分比皆未超過2%。 (二) 各版本東南亞教材內容集中出現在「東南亞國家概說類」及「東南亞新移民與臺灣關係類」,而「東南亞文化內涵類」出現頻次最低。 (三) 各版本東南亞教材內容出現次數,主要集中分布在第八冊;完全未提及的是第一冊和第七冊。 二、 主角類目 (一) 東南亞各國在各版本出現之次數相當少,而且不論康軒版、南一版或翰林版出現次數最多的皆是「其他類」,總出現次數共49次,所佔百分比高達26.92%。 (二)排除無法分辨國名的「其他類」後,三個版本合起來出現次數最多的前四名依序為越南、菲律賓、泰國和印尼。 三、 東南亞教材內容檢視 (一) 東南亞相關內容出現比例偏低,人物楷模完全沒有呈現。 (二) 臺灣的東南亞新移民,以女性居多,身份上居於雙重弱勢,社會教科書中之形象,多以需要學習、適應台灣社會的「刻板印象」呈現。 (三) 對於東南亞新移民在台灣的社會困境,雖有所著墨,但不夠真實,著重在政府對新移民輔導的施政措施。 (四) 三個版本之社會領域教科書都未能完整介紹東南亞相關的內容。 (五) 東南亞教材的分布表淺,且多以圖片方式展現。 四、 依序提出建議,供未來教科書編寫東南亞內容及未來相關研究之參考。


The study is to investigate the content analysis of Southeast Asia teaching materials in social studies textbooks of the elementary school. It analyzed Southeast Asian countries appearing in licensed social studies textbooks of different editions from three publishers, Kang Hsuan, Nani and Han Lin, and figured out the hidden prejudice from the multicultural point of view. The main findings are summarized as follows. 1. Topic Categories 1.1 The frequency and percentage of Southeast Asia appearing in the three social studies textbooks are 37 times in Kang Hsuan (1.52%), 37 times in Han Lin (1.38%) and 31 times in Nani (1.24%). The percentages of the appearance of Southeast Asia teaching materials in the 3 editions are all below 2%. 1.2 In each edition, the Southeast Asia materials mainly appear in the 2 topics, “An Introduction to Southeast Asian Countries” and “ New immigrants from Southeast Asia and Relations in Taiwan” and rarely in “Southeast Asian Culture.” 1.3 In the three editions, Southeast Asia materials appear mostly in the eighth volume and never appear in the first and seventh volumes. 2. Role Categories 2.1 The frequencies of Southeast Asian countries appearing in each textbook edition are very low. And the term used mostly is “others,” which appears 49 times in the three editions totally, and the percentage reaches to 26.92%. 2.2 Except “others”, which cannot identify the country name, the top four countries appearing mostly in all the three editions are Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia. 3. Content Analysis 3.1 There are few contents about Southeast Asia issue, and none of the Southeast Asian role models are mentioned. 3.2 Most new immigrants from Southeast Asia are females, who have double disadvantaged identity. Their role in the social studies textbooks needs to learn and accommodate themselves to the stereotype impression of Taiwan society. 3.3 Although the immigrants’ social difficulty in Taiwan has been mentioned in the textbooks, the content does not really show the reality but focuses more on the guidance measures by the government. 3.4 All the social studies textbooks of different editions from three publishers do not introduce the Southeast Asian issue completely. 3.5 The distribution of Southeast Asian issue in the textbooks is narrow and often presented in the form of pictures. 4. Suggestions for teaching material editing and further research are provided as for reference.


王宏仁、李盈慧 主編(2008)。東南亞概論。台北:五南。


劉世羣(2014)。論數位化有線電視平台購物頻道之管制密度 -以節目/廣告之定性為核心〔碩士論文,國立清華大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6843/NTHU.2014.00122
