  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 洪仁進博士


論文摘要 二十一世紀是一個強調「知識經濟」的時代,任何企業經營要擁有競爭優勢,組織就必須善於創造知識並持續保持創新。國軍掌理建軍備戰工作,負有維護國家安全任務,在面對軍事科技日新月異,作戰型態不斷改變的挑戰下,也應重視知識管理。尤其陸軍兵科學校,職司陸戰兵科專業教育訓練工作,更須建立知識分享文化,讓知識能獲得充分運用,發揮知識價值。 知識分享是知識管理的重要一環。惟影響知識分享意願因素很多,而組織信任?其中之一。故本研究目的在瞭解陸軍兵科學校軍官知識分享意願與對組織信任程度,其次是學校不同背景軍官在知識分享意願及對組織信任程度上的差異性,以及學校軍官個人知識分享意願與組織信任之間的關聯性。主要以陸軍兵科學校幕僚職及教官職軍官?研究對象,在藉由文獻探討獲得相關立論基礎後,以軍官各種背景為基本變項,組織信任為自變項,知識分享意願為依變項設計各量表,採問卷調查法進行量測,共發放250份問卷,回收為有效卷238份。經以獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森相關及迴歸分析方法等統計分析結果,並獲得幾點結論,同時針對實務管理作為及後續研究精進等兩方面提出建議,以供為參考。本研究結論如下; 壹、兵科學校軍官個人知識分享意願屬高度程度,其中以「分享學習機會」較高,其次是「鼓勵他人學習」、「分享個人知識」。 貳、兵科學校軍官組織信任知覺為中高程度,其中以「信任同僚」較高,其次是「信任學校」、「信任主管」。 參、兵科學校軍官會因其年齡、階級、教育程度、職務及服務年資的不同,而在知識分享意願上有明顯差異。 肆、兵科學校軍官會因其教育程度及所處學校兵種的不同,而對組織信任知覺程度有明顯差異。 伍、兵科學校軍官個人知識分享意願與組織信任知覺程度關係呈中度相關,其中與「同僚信任」有較高相關度。 關鍵字:軍事學校、陸軍兵科學校、軍官、知識分享意願、組織信任


Abstract Knowledge-based economy is becoming a main idea in the era of 21st century. For any enterprise, to create new knowledge and keep the capability of innovation is the key to gain the advantage of competitiveness in the markets. Armed Forces of Taiwan of Republic of China, burdening the national security and conducting the readiness and preparation of war, should focus on knowledge management more than ever in order to face the challenges of new technology and variable military operation in the future as well. Therefore, the armed forces schools of Army, obligated for the professional training and education, should further establish the culture of knowledge sharing in order to explore the value of knowledge. Knowledge sharing is the essential element of the knowledge management; however, there are many factors constricting the willingness of knowledge sharing—organizational trust is one of the factors. The main purpose of this research is to realize the willingness of knowledge sharing and the extent of organizational trust among the army officers in the armed forces schools of Army; furthermore, to know the difference and connection for those commission officers who graduated from different backgrounds. Under the circumstances of this research, based on documents review, the staffs and faculties of the armed forces schools of Army are the primary objective. The background of staff officers is basic variable, and the organization trusts is independent variable. The willingness of knowledge sharing is dependent variable. The research is conducted by questioners survey, totally 250 questionnaires had been delivered, 238 of them are effective. All samples were analyzed by Independent-Sample t test, One-way ANOVA(analysis of variance), Person’s Analysis of Correlation, and Regression Analysis. Five results had been made: ●The highest willingness of individual knowledge sharing among staff officers in armed forces schools of Army is sharing learning opportunities, the second one is encouraging learning, and the third one is sharing personal knowledge. ●The highest trust degree to organization among staff officers in armed forces schools of Army is associates trust, the second one are school trust and supervisor trust. ●The willingness of knowledge sharing is variable based on the difference of age, rank, education. ●The organization trusts is variable based on the difference of education and the branches of the armed forces schools of Army. ●The connection of the willingness of individual knowledge sharing and organization trust is medium; however, the associates trust indicates higher linkage. Key words: military school, armed forces schools of Army, officer, willingness of knowledge sharing, organization trust




