  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 柯正峯博士


本研究是以台北市非營利組織為對象進行研究,透過立意抽樣方式進行問卷調查,做為了解志工參與非營利組織志願服務時,機構在實施各項志工人力資源管理策略或方案時,對於志工服務滿意度之影響,希望做為非營利組織志工人力資源管理者與後續研究者參考之用。研究中將志工個人背景分為九項與志工人力資源管理分為六個向度,志工服務滿意度分為五個向度,進行相關因素之探討。並分析不同志工背景變項對志工人力資源管理、志工服務滿意度是否有影響,志工人力資源管理與志工服務滿意度相關情形,做為本研究架構。 本研究發現如下:30歲以下志工在訓練、服務、工作上的尊重與人性化工作環境需求上較年長者強烈;高中(職)以下志工期待的工作、資訊、環境需求上較高。志工服務滿意度的認同上顯示軍公教人員、學生及其他志工對於服務滿意度的認同、支持度與需求上均較高於所有類別的志工。 在志工人力資源管理的各層面上,顯示服務7年以上之受訪者機構認同較高。服務年資愈高,對於機構管理認同感與接受度有愈高的趨勢。曾擔任志工幹部或其他機構經驗的志工,對於機構的人力資源管理與配合的支持度較高,服務滿意度也較高。經由研究結果證明,不同背景志工對於人力資源管理與服務滿意度有非常顯著差異。 依據本研究目的提出十三項建議,提供各有關單位參考如下: 1.志工招募時、採用多管道方式招募多方人才。 2.教育訓練時、規劃共同訓練與資源共享平台。 3.服務的守則、共同訂定管理與標準作業程序。 4.機構的願景、機構成員與志工共同參與規劃。 5.評鑑與獎勵、加強宣導與建立公平公開機制。 6.人性化管理、共同塑造溫暖與接納工作環境。 7.加強志工教育訓練、尤其鼓勵男性參與服務。 8.開發大專生志願服務團隊、培養服務價值觀。 9.鼓勵企業與機構策略合作、建立服務新形象。 10.提升自我學習培訓的能力、設置人才資料庫。 11.資訊化管理平台、提升問題反映處理的能力。 12.如何讓經驗傳承、規劃資深志工之培訓計畫。 13.經驗與智慧結合、規劃常青志工之培訓計畫。


This research is seeking to make a Taipei City Non-profit Organization to conduct the research as the object, through the sampling way to carry on the questionnaire survey, in order to understand Volunteers in participating Non-profit Organization activities, Organization carries out each Volunteer Human Resources Strategy or Proposal which impacts Volunteers Service Satisfaction, expect to provide reference for Volunteers HR Management people to execute further study. This research will divide Volunteers personal background into nine items and Volunteers HR management into six, Volunteers Service Satisfaction level into 5, carry on discussion of the correlation factor. This research will also analysis different Volunteers background factor which may impact Volunteers HR Management, Volunteer Service Satisfaction; a related influence factor in between Volunteers HR Management and Volunteers Service Satisfaction level as a framework of this research. This research discovers: Volunteers below age 30 are eager than elder Volunteers to pursue high quality for training, service, working respectation and human nature working environment; Volunteers below high school (college) degree expect more on working, information, environment. In the level of identification for Volunteers Service Satisfaction shows those who work in military service, public organization, students and others are better agreeable in Service Satisfaction Identification, Support and requirement. In Volunteers HR Management level which shows Volunteers working for 7 years or above have better recognition of Organization. The more service year, the more identification and acceptance level to the Organization. Those Volunteers having experience to act as a leader or work for other Organization are carrying good management skill and more willing to corporate. Based on the result of this research which indicates Volunteers in different background are with notable difference in HR Management and Service Satisfaction Level. Based on this research purpose here are 13 suggestions, provide for reference : 1. Adopt multi-channel to recruit Volunteers. 2. In training period, propose common training and resource sharing platform. 3. Service rule, arrange management standard and SOP. 4. Vision of Organization, Volunteers group participation in proposal arranged. 5. Evaluate and reward, enhance promotion and build up fair and open mechanism. 6. Human nature management, establish warm and acceptable working environment. 7. Enhance Volunteers job training, encourage male Volunteers participation. 8. Develop college volunteers group, cultivate service values. 9. Encourage corporate and organization collaboration, establish new service image. 10. Promote self learning capability, set up HR database. 11. Information systematic management platform;improve problem solving capability. 12. Experience hand over; propose senior volunteers training plan. 13. Integrate experience and knowledge; propose elder volunteers training plan.




24. 財團法人普仁青年關懷基金會http://www.you-care.org.tw/p01/p01.htm


