  • 學位論文


Age and Gender Differences in Elementary School Student’s Recess Activity Types and Determinants

指導教授 : 卓俊伶


國小學童下課時間身體活動類型與影響因素 的年齡與性別差異 日期:2007年6月 研 究 生:陳門牽 指導教授:卓俊伶 摘 要 本研究主要在探討三與五年級國小學童下課時間身體活動類型與影響下課身體活動的因素及其性別差異。參與下課身體活動類型調查對象共183名;參與下課身體活動影響因素問卷調查的研究對象共307名。使用五天下課時間身體活動記錄表,記錄國小學童五天下課身體活動類型,以下課身體活動影響因素問卷,探討影響國小學童下課身體活動的原因。所得資料以描述統計與卡方考驗進行分析,在下課身體活動類型方面的發現如下:(一)全部學童最常參與的下課身體活動類型前五名依序為和同學聊天、坐在座位、追逐遊戲、在操場跑步與訂正錯字或寫功課;(二)女童參與教室與走廊附近輕度身體活動的比例高於男童,男童在戶外空間參與較激烈身體活動的比例高於女童;(三)五年級學童參與教室與走廊附近輕度身體活動的比例高於三年級,三年級學童在戶外空間參與較激烈身體活動的比例高於五年級。在影響因素的發現如下:(一)參與下課身體活動意願較高的男童受負向因素的影響,而降低參與身體活動的比例較女童低,受正向因素的影響而增加身體活動的比例則較高。參與下課身體活動意願較低的女童受負向的因素影響程度較男童高,受正向因素的影響程度則較低;(二)參與下課身體活動意願較高的三年級學童受負向因素的影響,而降低參與身體活動的比例較五年級學童低,受正向因素的影響而增加身體活動的比例則較高。參與下課身體活動意願較低的五年級學童受負向的因素影響程度較三年級學童高,受正向因素的影響程度則較低。 關鍵詞:下課時間、身體活動、年齡差異、性別差異


Age and Gender Differences in Elementary School Student’s Recess Activity Types and Determinants Master’s Thesis, 2007 Men-chain Chern Advisor:Hank Junling Jwo, Ph.D. Abstract The main purpose of this study was to investigate the elementary school students’ (3rd graders and 5th graders) physical activity types and the factors that affect them. Gender differences were alse examined. One hundred and eighty three students were surreyed during recess, three hundred and seven students finished the questionnaire about recess activities. A five-day recess activities form was used to record the types of students’ physical activities on the school days. The questionnaire of physical activities determinants was administered to investigate the factors concerning students’ recess activities. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and Chi-square test. The findings revealed that the students’ physical types as follows:(1) The top fives activities that students engaged in were: chatting, sitting on his/her seat, chasing, running on the playground, and correcting (or doing homework);(2) Girls preferred light activities around classrooms or hallways.On the other hand, about the recess activities of boys, the proportion of outdoor and intensive physical activities was higher; and (3) The 5th grade students prefer light physical activities. In comparison with the 3rd grade students, the 3rd graders have more intensive physical activities. The determinants of recess activities were as follows:(1) Compared to girls, there are less high-willingness engaged in intensive physical activity boys to be affected by negative factors to reduce their physical activities during recess. And more boys were apt to be affected by positive factors to increase their outdoor activities. While the girls with lower motivation to engage in physical activities are more likely to be affected by the negative factors and reduced physical activities than boy, vice versa, they were less affected by positive factors to engage in physical activities;and (2) The 3rd graders with higher motivation in physical activities affected by negative factors were less than those of 5th graders. And they were more likely to be affected by positive factors to engage in intensive physical activities. The 5th graders with lower motivation in physical activities during recess were liable to be affected by negative factors and reduced their activities, which are more than those of 3rd graders. And the low motivation 5th graders affected less by positive factors to increase physical activities. Key word : recess, physical activity, age differences, gender differences




侯亭妤(2014)。以模糊理論探討中介空間對學童活動行為之影響 -以內埔國民小學為例〔碩士論文,朝陽科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0078-2611201410190286
