  • 學位論文


A research of current employment of specialized contract worker of the national level research facility - a case study of National Applied Research Laboratories

指導教授 : 余鑑 博士


企業為因應降低成本、彈性運用人力、配合臨時任務性等需求,近年來以大量運用派遣員工的方式來解決相關問題,且除一般事務性工作外,專業技術性的工作也慢慢朝派遣方式以取代傳統的僱用關係,成為勞動力市場一大趨勢。然而企業如此,非營利之法人機構,由於其存在目的是讓政府部門在組織的運用更加彈性下,亦面臨相同的狀況。本研究對象財團法人國家實驗研究院,成立宗旨即作為民營機構的先驅及未來國家科技研究之領航員,在目前政府對於派遣制度,尚仍未有完整的立法來保護派遣三方的情形下,其運用專業技術派遣員工的現況、進用專業技術派遣員工背後之決定因素、及對組織所產生的影響,將是本研究的目的。 本研究採質性個案研究方法,以訪談方式進行資料蒐集,受訪對象包含人力資源人員、計畫主持人、部門主管、同儕及院長,共八位受訪者,根據研究主題整理、分析與歸納訪談資料後,得到以下發現: 一、使用專業技術派遣員工之現況,包含進用概況、甄選情況、招募管道、任用方式、福利條件、績效評估方式及留任等,共七個層面作探討。 二、進用專業技術派遣員工之決定因素,包含政府因素、內部組織因素及外部環境變遷等三方面因素。 三、使用專業技術派遣員工對組織的影響,主要有正面的影響及負面的衝擊。 最後依據本研究發現給予要派企業、派遣機構、派遣員工、政府部門及後續研究提出相關建議。


The purpose of this study is to discuss about current situation of hiring temporary specialized workers of national research organization. In recent years most business organizations attempt to take advantages of cost reduction and manpower flexibility for future competition. For the reason, many companies are using temporary workers to accomplish the purpose desired. Accordingly, this business model became a trend and also most specialized vacancies will be instead of by temporary workers gradually. In fact, not only companies doing this way, but also non-profit organizations have to face this subject. Thus, this paper will be focused on the study of current situation of contract specialized worker of non-profit organization, take a example here, National Applied Research Laboratories (NARL), it is purely a national non-profit organization which plays as key role as bridge between fundamental research and product development. But, even such large-size national organization; it still can not protect itself, contract worker, and agency from their HR rules. Therefore, this paper can be divided into three main groups by the case of NARL studied by interviews with NARL people base on Qualitative Research Methods. 1. First of all, the first point to be discussed is an observation which will explain the current situation of temporary specialized worker management system, just as recruitment, selection, admission, welfare, and self-perpetuation, these fields. 2. The determinants of hiring temporary specialized worker included factors from internal, external and goverment. 3. Furthermore, to use temporary specialized workers will bring positive or negative impacts. 4. Finally, the study result will give client, temporary specialized worker and temporary worker agency, even government some constructive advices for their future business development according to the points given above.


