  • 學位論文


The moment – The research of creation of female icon’s reflection

指導教授 : 蘇憲法教授


研究西洋美術史中「光」在繪畫中呈現的軌跡和象徵意涵,以及有關光影表現的畫家及其作品分析,演繹出屬於個人對「光」的詮釋方式。進而探討女性圖像在西洋繪畫史上的美學理論、脈絡發展作為主要的理論依據。並以光影交織女性圖像為手段,傳達筆者內心情感為目的,作為個人藝術創作的新嘗試。 長久以來對「光」及「女性」題材的關注,轉而成為繪畫創作的思想來源,本創作論文以鎖定「光影下的女性圖像」為所有創作的連結,透過眼睛的觀看與心靈的反思,以具象寫實的創作方式,透過個人思維、美感經驗的構成,擷取生活場域中片段時間的凝止以及生命流轉不同時期的情境,進行作品中女性人物與自然及環境的組構,作為形式表現的基礎。並認為所有創作必須穿越外在的表象形式,回歸到以「人」為主體的基本核心,即是回到自我,創作的本質才能找到最初的真實。藉以從中剖析個人的內心思維、人生價值及對生命的觀感,,進而探尋豐富生命的泉源。茲將各章節所涵蓋的內容概述如下: 第一章 「緒論」闡述本人創作的緣由與關注方向及本論文的核心價值。 第二章 「理論基礎」探討美術史中不同時期的光在繪畫中扮演的角色。其次針對西方繪畫中對女性人物畫、祼體畫及身體意象的探討。 第三章 「創作理念與題材探討」是個人階段性繪畫的自我省察,選擇與生活經驗最為關切的方向為主要表現,企圖傳達個人心境及人生價值。 第四章 「創作內容、形式、媒材與技法」討論創作過程中運用的媒材、技法及形式表現外,更進一步探求作品所欲呈現的實質意涵。 第五章「作品解析」 以光影為畫面主要符號,透過寫實情境讓物象造型能準確傳達筆者的心象世界。 第六章 「結論」將個人此次研究的心得內容做一統整的歸納,並展望未來努力的方向。


光影 女性圖像 人體美 寫實 寫實


The research emphasis on reflection with its orbits and symbolize, it analyzes art pieces principle and compare their different. As the result, it creates personal points of view of reflection. Afterward, it discusses those theories of figure beauty from western art history, the principle develops art forms. The figure beauty becomes icon and purpose to represent painters’ emotions and stories. The experiments encourage that to make more arts. The arts have done through eye and heart searching; it uses realist way to show personal thinking and experiences to form the arts, it takes the moment to record the valuable memories and life circles. Female icons compose that beauty from nature and daily circumstance. The art works show the real from deep side of heart, not just appearance from people eye. It should be from the real, while it back to the realist, it can find the truth. Therefore, it can analysis peoples’ logical thinking and discover human value. Following chapters are summary: “Reflection” and “Female” are the common subjects, it becomes painting objects. This research is focus on “female icons of reflection”, which is under personal points of view to make each painting. Chapter One – “Introduction”, the principle shows personal efforts and points of view. Chapter Two – “Theory”, to discussing that character’s appearance have various change from different periods. More over to emphasis on female painting, figure painting and body image. Chapter Three – “Create idea and Subject”, discuss about forming, it is personal development to show objects from experiences. The art works represent human valued and attitude. Chapter Four – “Object, Form, Media and Skills”, discuss about media using, skills and form, but also ahead to discover its implication. Chapter Five – “Analysis”, basic on reflection through realist circumstance, it was created icons by innermost world of author. Chapter Six – “Conclusion”, the paper was done by personal reaction during this research, also to be continued to reach achievements in the future.


reflection female icon figure beauty realist


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