  • 學位論文


A Research on the Professional Competency of Diabolo Athletic Coaches

指導教授 : 吳慧卿


本研究旨在瞭解扯鈴運動教練在專業能力重要程度與具備程度的情形。以自編「扯鈴運動教練專業能力研究問卷」為研究工具。針對「98年全國體委盃民俗體育錦標賽」扯鈴項目及「2009年全國超級盃扯鈴大賽」花式組之參賽隊伍教練為研究對象。根據回收資料,以描述性統計、相依樣本t 檢定、皮爾森積差相關分析等統計方法進行分析,研究結果如下: 一、扯鈴運動教練之背景,以「男性」、「大學、學院」學歷、就讀「非運動相關科系」、在「國小」服務、職務為「校內非體育教師兼任教練」、年齡分布在「26-34」歲、工作年資「5年以下」、「未取得」教練證書、擔任選手層級以「非選手」經歷等,所佔人數居多。 二、扯鈴運動教練在專業能力重要程度與具備程度之排序前三項均為「專業態度」、「扯鈴動作技術訓練能力」、「精神力訓練與實施能力」,而以「扯鈴運動訓練相關學理」居末。 三、扯鈴運動教練對專業能力重要程度與具備程度間之差異,在專業能力七個構面(運動訓練相關學理、專業態度、比賽動作編配能力、心理訓練與指導能力、運動的起源與發展、精神力訓練與實施能力、動作技術訓練能力)之「重要程度」皆高於「具備程度」。 四、扯鈴運動教練在專業能力之「動作技術訓練能力」重要程度與具備程度之七個構面均呈正相關。唯其間之相關程度,僅與「比賽動作編配能力」呈中度相關,其餘則呈低度相關。 本研究發現,扯鈴運動教練在專業能力具備程度上,有18 個題項之專業能力是教練所較不具備的能力,因此,建議教練應積極參與各項教練講習課程與進修活動,運用各種管道充實並吸收新知,以提升本身之專業能力。另外,亦建議相關單位對於教練培訓的課程,可將訓練學理與技術訓練之專業能力加以整合,以提昇扯鈴運動教練在訓練上之學理知識。


This research focuses on diabolo athletic coaches’ condition about the importance level of professional competency & coaches’ degree of profession competency. The diabolo athletic coaches’ professional competency document analysis was used as well as questionnaire survey. The “98 National Physical Culture Commission Folk Custom Sports Championship Tournament” and “2009 the National Super Diabolo Game” of team training the floral formula group for the object of research. Data analysis was done by descriptive Statistics, T-test, and Pearson’s correlation analysis. The conclusions of the research are as following: 1. Most of the diabolo athletic coaches are male PE teachers with a bachelor’s degree, mostly goes study in “the non-movement related branch department”, most service in the primary school, most is “The non-gym instructor holds a concurrent post of the training in the school”. Their ages are among 26-34. Most of them have 1-5 year working experience. Most has “not obtained” the training certificate; Contestant level is majority by “non-contestant” experience. 2. The diabolo athletic coaches’ condition about the importance level of professional competency to sort the first three items is “the specialized manner”, “diabolo movement technical training ability”, “the psychic force training and executive ability”, but by “diabolo movement training related scientific theory” to occupy end. 3. The different of diabolo athletic coaches about have the degree to the professional competency important degree, on the professional competency seven construction surface (movement training related scientific theory, the specialized manner, the psychic force training and executive ability, the competition movement arranges ability, the psychological training and instruction ability, the movement origin and the development, movement technical training ability) “the important degree” is higher than “has the degree” 4. The diabolo athletic coach’s professional competency “movement technical training ability” important degree and have the degree of the seven construction surface present related. During the relativity, only “arranges ability with the competition movement” to assume moderate related, other assume lowly related. This research discovery, diabolo athletic coaches in the professional competency have in the degree. There are 18 topic specialty ability is ability which the coaches do not have that. Therefore, suggested that coaches should participate in each item of coach lecturing and studying positively the curriculum and the further education activity, utilizes each kind of pipeline to enrich and to absorb the new knowledge in order to promotion itself the specialty ability. Moreover, also suggested that the coherent units regarding the training curriculum for coaches. It may combine the training scientific theory and the specialty ability in order to promote the diabolo athletic coaches` scientific theory knowledge in the training.




