  • 學位論文


The Comparison of Administrative Management Among Large Senior Homes Wanhua District of Taipei City

指導教授 : 莊謙本


居住於老人福利機構之住民的照護,實有賴機構完善的服務品質與良好的經營效率,而老人養護機構能夠永續經營乃是維護老人福祉的主要之關鍵。本研究主要目的在探討大型老人養護機構其服務品質之內涵,大型老人福利機構管理者之所扮演之角色,及對該機構服務品質、經營管理之影響,以致維護老人福利機構之住民所得到之最佳照護服務。 本研究主要探討台北市萬華區大型老人養護機構的經營管理,採用個案深度訪談的方式,訪問三家台北市萬華區大型老人養護機構。經由個案的簡介、養護機構所面臨的內、外部環境的訪查分析得到以下的研究結果: (一)台北市萬華區的養護中心平均進住率皆頗高,且設立越短的養護機構入住率越高,其關鍵在於創新能力。 (二)三家養護機構在經營管理的六大構面,包括營運策略、硬體設施、營運管理、人力資源、財務規劃及團康活動保險上都有些許的異同處。 (三)本研究列舉三家養護中心個別的優勢與劣勢,以及共同面臨的機會與威脅。 根據本研究的結論,對於養護機構的經營管理提出改進建議,以提高照護品質,使受照護者共有尊嚴。


Living in senior home institutions for the elderly residents of care, thanks to organizations improve service quality and good operating efficiency, senior home to safeguard their well-being sustainable but the main key. This study aimed to evaluate the large senior homes, the connotation of its service quality, the effect of business management, senior home organizations was obtained from the residents the best care. The purpose of this study is to investigate the senior care centers in Wanhua District in Taipei City and their current operations and management by interviewing three senior homes. From the analysis the internal and external environments of these senior care centers. The results are as follows: 1.The occupational rate of Wanhua District in Taipei City senior homes are high, the short the establishment of center will attract higher occupation rate, The key is innovation. 2.The six dimensions of these centers are included operation strategy, hardware facilities, operation management, human resources, financial planning and group health , more or less the same. 3.This research has listed, the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats of three centers. Finally, strategic recommendations have advocated to these centers for future improvements, that residents can get a good organization of health care quality, let old age can be more dignified and quality.


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