  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 楊芳瑩


本研究主要目的為探討台灣地區高中學生的個人閱讀信念與其科學文本閱讀理解與建構過程的關係。 本研究利用Schraw (2000)所發展的閱讀信念量表測量學生的個人閱讀信念,此量表分為兩個因素,分別為作者傳達信念(transmission belief)以及意義建構信念(transaction belief)。閱讀理解與意義建構過程之偵測擇採用Kinsch (1988)所提出之建構- 整合理論(construction-integration model )來進行分析。藉由此兩類資料來進行討論分析。 研究對象為261位高中一年級學生,受試者先進行個人閱讀信念量表的填寫,再由其中選取40位學生進行科學文章之閱讀,藉由閱讀一段文章,輔以半結構晤談的方式去分析學生對科學文本閱讀理解與建構的過程,進而探討個人閱讀信念與知識建構的關係。 主要研究結果如下:(一) 高一學生的意義建構信念強於作者傳達信念。(二)意義建構信念與作者傳達信念有統計上的相關;(三)受試者於閱讀禮節過程中所提取的字彙量與文本主題命題量兩者有統計相關,但字彙正確率與文本主題命題無顯著相關,此結果表示閱讀者對文章意義的記憶並不是記住他的每一個單字,而是記住他的意義。(四)當意義建構信念越高,讀者的整體文本理解以及在個人想法命題量就越高。 最後針對研究結果以及研究過程中所發現的情況與問題,提出討論及檢討,並給予教學上或未來研究上一些建議。


The main purpose of this study is to explore the associations, if any, between Taiwanese high-school students’ reader beliefs and different stages of reading comprehensions when they are exposed to the scientific texts. To detect students’ reader beliefs, this study used Schraw’s (2000) Reader Belief Inventory (RBI) whose scales include the transmission belief and the transaction belief aspects. Meanwhile, the reading comprehensions were analyzed by semi-structured interviews and the content analysis in accordance with the construction-integration model developed by Kinsch (1988). Two hundred and sixty one students in grade 10 were involved in the study. Participants were asked to take the reader belief inventory first, and then 40 of them were selected to receive text reading and interviews. The relationships between reader beliefs and the results of knowledge construction were than discussed via statistical methods. The major findings are as the following: (1) High school students’ transaction beliefs were stronger than transmission beliefs. (2) Transaction beliefs were significantly correlated with transmission beliefs. (3) The quantity of the retrieved lexicons was significantly correlated with that of thematic propositions constructed by the readers, but no significant correlation was found between the accuracy ratios of lexicons and thematic responses. Such as result indicated that readers in the study did not comprehend the text by memorizing words but meanings. (4) It seemed that high transaction beliefs contributed to the comprehension of whole text and the construction of personal responses propositions. In the end of the thesis, discussions about the research findings and recommendations for instructional designs and future research are made. The procedures and problems of the study design are also reviewed.


李麗貞、王淑惠(2008)。交互教學法對國小學習障礙學生閱讀理解成效之研究。東台灣特殊教育學報,10 ,71-92。


