  • 學位論文


Library Storytellers’ Tacit Knowledge:Transmission and Sharing

指導教授 : 吳美美


本研究希望透過了解圖書館故事媽媽在說故事中過程的經驗、學習、技巧如何展現那些之默會知識傳承與分享,更希望研究中能回答以下三個研究問題:故事媽媽對默會知識的認知?故事媽媽默會知識的傳承與分享方法為何?故事媽媽默會知識傳承與分享的特性為何? 透過上述三項研究問題希望達成以下目的:一、了解默會知識如何透過做中學;二、說故事的默會知識如何傳承與分享;三、建立一套故事媽媽知識傳承的方法,以利培訓活動的規劃。 透過上述三項研究問題希望達成以下目的:一、了解默會知識如何透過做中學;二、說故事的默會知識如何傳承與分享;三、建立一套故事媽媽知識傳承的方法,以利培訓活動的規劃。 本研究選擇較能符合研究目的之質性研究方法,以深度訪談的方式進行資料之蒐集,研究對象對九位故事媽媽進行訪談,受訪者大都為女性在年齡層為30歲以上,在學歷上高中職、大專。職業大都為家庭主婦及公教職,全部皆在圖書館當過故事媽媽長達五年以上,訪談以故事媽媽說故事的技巧與方法,達到經驗傳承與分享的目的。 研究結果顯示故事媽媽對默會知識的認知為不停進修、遇到困難絕不輕言放棄、永續成長做個快樂的故事媽媽、引導孩子享受閱讀樂趣外、也激發親子共讀將故事融入於日常生活中。故事媽媽默會知識的傳承與分享方法,在實際說故事透過觀摩、模彷、學習、經驗累積、與同儕故事媽媽討論分享經驗等方式來逐漸學習而成,培養默會知識便是要大量閱讀,透過文字整理自己的思維,不斷的磨合與進化,增進自己的思考,產出自己的東西,成為故事媽媽的達人。本研究的建議是推展故事媽媽師徒制傳承機制、辦理故事媽媽說故事觀摩會、拍攝故事媽媽成果紀錄片建立故事資料庫,提供圖書館故事媽媽說故事的方法和技巧之參考。


Participating in storytelling activities expands a child’s vision and thinking processes and serves as a bridge to the larger world of reading. Children who frequently listen to and are involved in discussion with the storytelling cultivate their reading interests by participating in storytelling. Thus, storytelling has a close relationship with developing a child’s interest and reading skills. The pleasure of reading and reading habits have been invisibly cultivated for children who frequently participate in storytelling activities. As a result, library storytelling groups have vigorously spread. The storytellers become the soul in storytelling activities. This study asked the following questions: (1) what are storytellers’ cognitions of tacit knowledge, (2) what are the methods of tacit knowledge transmission and sharing, and (3) what are the characteristics of tacit knowledge transmission and sharing? By understanding how storytellers gained experience and skills during storytelling, the study aimed to understand how tacit knowledge transmission and sharing occurred during storytelling. This study collected data using in-depth interviews. Nine story tellers with ages over 30 years and education level above senior high school were interviewed. Their professions included housewives, government employees and teachers. They have all worked as library storytellers for more than 5 years. The interviews focused on storytelling methods and skills and the experiences of transmission and sharing. The results showed that the cognition of tacit knowledge for library storytellers included fostering diverse learning, never easily giving up when encountering difficulties, being a happy storyteller, guiding children to the joys of reading, both by themselves and parental co-reading, and integrating stories into daily life. Transmission and methods of sharing of tacit knowledge for library storytellers included observing, simulation, accumulating experience and discussing and sharing of experience with peers. This study also found that cultivation of tacit knowledge requires a large amount of reading, proper preparation by going through the text, continual adaption and evolution, enhancing personal thinking, developing one’s production, and being a skilled storyteller. Finally, the results of this study highlight the importance of promoting the following for library storytellers: (1) establish mechanisms for the transmission of mentoring, (2) conduct storytelling workshops for storytelling simulation, and (3)produce documentary films of the successful stories of library storytellers which might include a film database to provide documentation of the methods and skills used by library storytellers.


阮明淑 (2008)。利用模式語言表達獨立紀錄製作之默會知識研究。圖書資訊學刊,6(1/2),57-82。


