  • 學位論文


A study on Missionary Schools' Impact on the Development of Home economics Education in China(1844-1949)

指導教授 : 黃迺毓


本研究旨在瞭解1840至1949年外國傳教士在中國所興辦的教會學校與我國學校家政教育發展之關系,以瞭解我國家政教育發展之演變過程。 本研究採歷史研究法來了解教會小學、教會中學、教會大學的家政課程對我國家政教育發展之整體影響。研究結果如下所示: 一、教會學校與我國家政教育發展之社會背景。 (一)中國社會背景:中國傳統學校無女子教育、家政教育始於教會學校。 (二)西方社會背景:19世紀女權運動興起、海外宣教熱潮及20世紀受到美國家政教育蓬勃發展與實用主義影響。 二、教會學校與我國家政教育發展之政治背景。 (一)外力入侵,促成近代家政教育的建立。 (二)五四運動後,首倡男女都應學家政教育。 三、教會學校對我國家政教育發展之影響。 (一)首設家政課程。 (二)引進西方家政課程。 (三)西方家政師資的注入。 (四)重視中國家政師資培育。 (五)留學生對家政高等教育的貢獻。 最後依據上述研究結論針對我國未來家政教育的發展提出具體建議,以作為未來研究家政教育史之參考。


The purpose of this study is to clarify the relations between missionary schools established by foreign missionaries from 1840 to 1949 and the development of home economics education in China, so as to understand the variation process of home economics education in our country. I use the historical methodology to understand the overall impact of the home economics curriculum in missionary elementary schools, middle schools, and universities on the development of home economics education in our country. The findings are as follows: First, concerning missionary schools and the social background of the development of home economics education in our country-- (1) Chinese social background: The absence of female education in traditional Chinese schools, and the beginning of home economics education in missionary schools. (2) Western social background: The rise of 19th century feminist movement, the upsurge of overseas evangelism, and the vigorous development of American home economics education and the influence of pragmatism in 20th century. Second, concerning missionary schools and the political background of the development of home economics education in our country-- (1)The invasion of external force facilitates the establishment of modern home economics education. (2)Scholars’ advocacy of home economics education for men and women after the May 4th Movement in 1919. Third, concerning missionary schools’ impact on the development of home economics education in our country-- (1)Founding home economics curriculum. (2)Introducing western home economics curriculum. (3)Supplying western home economics teachers. (4)Cultivating Chinese home economics teachers. (5)Foreign students’ contribution to home economics higher education. Finally, based on the above conclusion, I made several concrete suggestions on the future development of home economics education in our country, which might be referred to by future studies on the history of home economics education.


2.Burton﹐M﹒E﹒(1911)﹒The Education of Women In China﹒New York:Fleming H.Revell﹒
5.Paul﹐A﹒V﹒(1958).Missionaries Chinese and Diplomates﹒The American Protestant Missionaries in China 1850-1952﹐P61.


