  • 學位論文


The effect of schema dominance and inference difficulty on humor story comprehension: Evidence from eye movement.

指導教授 : 陳學志




The present study aimed to test whether the schema dominance and inference difficulty influence the comprehension of humor story in Contrast-Coherence Theory or not. There were two reading experiments and desktop eye tracker was used to recorded participants’ eye movements when they were reading. In Experiment 1, 30 participants read two versions of set-up lines (high and low dominant schema), and the results showed a larger pupil size in high dominant schema than low dominant schema. As for experiment 2, 36 participants read different punch line versions (provided, simple and complex). Through analyzing the data from experiment 2, it was observed that participants were more likely to make regressive (leftward) eye movements after reading the punch-line of a humor story, and total viewing duration was longer for the complex backward inference than provided backward inference. The results of experiment 2 are taken to support the psychological reality of the process of frame-shifting, suggesting readers literally revisit aspects of the prior context while apprehending humor stories. In conclusion, this study supports the idea that the schema dominance and inference difficulty are influential factors in humor comprehension.


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