  • 學位論文


The feasibility study of establishing performing arts trade fair in Taiwan

指導教授 : 夏學理


臺灣表演藝術樣貌萬千,近年來更積極參與國際之間的文化藝術交流,藉由濃厚的地域情懷與多元的創作主題相互揉合,以臺灣子民特有的生命力表現方式,孕育出臺灣當代表演藝術風格,並於國際舞臺上綻放耀眼傲人之風采。 然而,正當臺灣表演藝術在國內蓬勃發展之餘,許多的表演團隊也經常遇到觀眾養成困難、藝術行政管理人才流動率高、經費不足以及專業場地缺乏等經營情形。儘管,臺灣表演藝術產業化體制仍處於發展中階段,但從西元2002年文化政策逐漸演變,顯示臺灣政府欲建構一個具有臺灣特色的表演藝術產業之決心,期盼替臺灣表演藝術發展出更多利基的生存環境。「表演藝術交易會」主要功能是以展覽產業形式促成一個商業交易的平臺,讓買方(藝術節策展人、劇院節目製作人、藝術中介單位等)和賣方(表演者、表演團隊之經紀人)能直接或間接面對面交流、瞭解彼此以利訊息的交換與交易的進行,提供中小型表演團隊另一個憑藉自身本事站上國際舞臺的機會。 因此,本研究遂以臺灣建構「表演藝術交易會」之可行性為主軸,藉由分析臺灣表演藝術環境(市場面、政策面)、臺灣表演藝術產業、展覽產業等次級文獻資料與東京、首爾、新加坡「表演藝術交易會」國外個案探討,透過行政單位、場地單位、表演團隊、中介單位以及專家學者等進行深度訪談,進一步呈現臺灣建構「表演藝術交易會」之價值,並提出適合臺灣運作的可能做法,以做為未來相關辦理單位之參考建議。


There are varieties in performing arts here in Taiwan. In recent years, Taiwanese performing art has actively interflowed with and joined in the international culture arts, and displayed a dazzling appearance on international stages by its contemporary art-performing style, which is cultivated by specific vitality of the Taiwanese, blending thick regional moods with diverse creating topics. As the Taiwan performing arts is getting prosperous, however, many performance groups are also encountering with the operating difficulties such as audiences hard to be cultivated, high turnover rate of artistic administrating talents, insufficient fund, and short of professional sites. Even though the industrialized mechanism of Taiwan’s performing art is still in developing phase, the resolution that Taiwan government intends to establish a performing art industry with Taiwanese traits has been proved from the evolution of 2002 cultural policy, looking forward to developing a living environment with more niches for Taiwan performing arts. The primary function of the “Performing Arts Trade Fair” is a commercial platform formed by exhibiting industries, allowing buyers (curators of arts festival and theatrical producers, or intermediary organizations of art business) and sellers (performers, or agents of performing groups) able to directly or indirectly interflow face to face, and understanding each other in favor of the progression of message exchanges and transactions, further to provide an opportunity for performing groups able to stand on international stage by their own talents. This study, therefore, uses the possible manners that set up the “Performing Arts Trade Fair” and the secondary data to analyze the individual case of the “Performing Arts Trade Fair” held in Tokyo and Seoul. We will conduct in-depth interviews with administrative units (comprise the operators of sites), performing groups, intermediary organizations of art business, experts, and further to explore the possible method and value of the “Performing Arts Trade Fair” held in Taiwan, so as to locate an operating and developing model suitable as a proposal for Taiwan’s future development.




