  • 學位論文


A study of POE teaching strategy on the impact of the optical misconceptions to junior high school students

指導教授 : 陳焜銘


本研究目的為探討不同學習成就學生的光學迷思概念差異和以「預測-觀察-解釋」(Prediction-Observation-Explanation ,簡稱POE)的教學策略探究學生對光學迷思概念改變的成效。本研究以台北市某國中九年級學生共43人為研究對象,先以光學概念二層式測驗為前測,來診斷不同學習成就學生所具有的光學迷思概念類型,接著利用依據學生所持有的光學迷思概念及POE教學策略設計而成的學習教材進行教學,並在教學結束後二週進行光學概念二層式測驗後測來瞭解POE教學的成效及學生概念改變的情形。研究結果發現:(1)不同學習成就的學生可能具有類似的迷思概念。(2)POE教學對於改善不同學習成就學生在光學單元的迷思概念均有顯著成效。(P<.05)(3)本研究發現運POE策略讓學生本身對於某一現象,進行預測、觀察與解釋,在學生面臨預測與觀察的結果有所衝突時,會促使學生去思考原本概念的正確性,進而修正或改變原有的概念。POE教學特別有助於將學生在日常生活累積的經驗而衍生出的迷思概念,轉變成正確的科學概念。本研究建議:(1) 教師在教授平面鏡成像的性質時,可以使用視差法來讓學生直接觀察成像的位置。(2)大部分學生對凸透鏡被不透明物遮蔽的成像問題,都存在著迷思概念。因此,建議教師在教授此單元時,增加POE的實驗教學,讓學生能實際操作與觀察,對建立學生正確的科學概念應能有所助益。


POE教學策略 光學 迷思概念


The purpose of this study was to explore different learning achievements of students of the optical misconceptions differences and explored the effectiveness of the POE(Prediction-Observation-Explanation) teaching strategies for students to change in the optical misconceptions. The object of study are the total of 43 ninth-grade students in Taipei .First, using the optical concept of the second floor test for the pre-test to diagnose the students of different learning achievements with the type of optical misconceptions,then designed learning materials for teaching according to optical misconceptions of the students and POE teaching strategies.After two weeks, using the optical concept of the second floor test for the post-test to diagnose the POE teaching effectiveness and the case of Optical conceptual changes of students. The results are as follows:(1) Different learning achievements of students may have similar misconceptions.(2) The POE teaching strategies significantly improve the misconceptions in the optical to students of different learning achievements.(3) This study found that students use POE strategy to predict, observe and explain a phenomenon when they faced with the prediction and observation results conflict, will encourage students to think about the correctness of the original concept, and then amend or change the original concept. POE teaching strategy is particularly helpful to students change their misconceptions derived from experience in their daily lives into the correct scientific concepts.The proposals are as follows:(1) When a teacher teaches students the nature of the plane mirror imaging, students directly observe the location of the imaging by the parallax.(2) Most of the students have misconceptions in the image of convex shielded by opaque material.Therefore, it is recommended that teachers teach this concept using POE teaching strategies,so that students can actually operate and observe,it will be helpful to establish the correct scientific concepts.


許有亮、陳忠志 (1998):國中學生平面鏡成像的另有架構探討。


