  • 學位論文


Adolescents' Attitudes toward Cohabitation and Their Expectations of Marriage

指導教授 : 林如萍


本研究旨在探討青少年的個人及家庭背景變項、同居態度與婚姻期待三者之關係。研究採問卷調查法,針對全臺高中(職)一至三年級的學生為研究對象,有效樣本1300份。主要研究發現如下: 一、青少年對同居呈現中立之態度。就同居態度的各面向來看,青少年對「以同居作為試婚」之認同程度較高,對於「以同居取代婚姻」認同程度最低。 二、男性、高職學生、無宗教信仰、每月可支配零用錢達1001元以上、有異性交往經驗、父母婚姻狀況為喪偶、知覺父母婚姻關係較不和諧、低家庭社經地位者,對於同居的認同程度較高。 三、約六成青少年將來想要結婚,相較之下,男性、高中學生、有宗教信仰、每月可支配零用錢達2001元以上、有異性交往經驗、父母離婚、知覺父母婚姻關係和諧者,對進入婚姻的期待較高。 四、青少年對同居的態度影響其進入婚姻的期待,並且同居態度之不同面向影響程度有別。男性、每月可支配零用錢達2001元以上、有異性交往經驗者,認同「以同居試婚」程度越高,則婚姻期待越高;男性、有異性交往經驗者,越認同「同居可使兩人的關係更親密」,越期待進入婚姻。另一方面,高中生、知覺父母婚姻關係和諧者,愈不認同「以同居取代婚姻」,愈期待進入結婚。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the correlations among adolescents’ individual and family backgrounds, their attitudes toward cohabitation and their expectations of marriage. This study adopts the questionnaire survey method. The subjects of the study are senior high school students and vocational high school students in Taiwan. 1300 valid samples are obtained from the survey. The major findings are as follow: 1.The vocational high school students surveyed in the study hold an impartial attitude toward cohabitation. While there is greater acceptance of cohabitation as trial marriage, the idea that cohabitation can substitute for marriage has the lowest degree of acceptance. 2.Cohabitation finds greater acceptance among male vocational high school students who come from a family of lower socio-economic status, do not have religious beliefs, have a monthly allowance of more than 1001 NT dollars, have been in a relationship, and consider their parents’ relationship to be disharmonious, or one of whose parents is deceased. 3.About sixty percent of the subject would want to marry in the future. There is higher preference for marriage among male senior high school students who have religious beliefs, have a monthly allowance of more than 2001 dollars, have been in a relationship, and consider their parents’ relationship to be harmonious, or whose parents are divorced. 4.The high school students’ attitudes toward cohabitation influence their expectations of marriage, and different aspects of their attitudes toward cohabitation have different degrees of influence. For male students who have a monthly allowance of more than 2001 dollars and have been in a relationship, the more they regard cohabitation as trial marriage, the more they would want to marry in the future. For male students who have been in a relationship, the more they agree that cohabitation enhances intimacy, the more they would want to marry in the future. Furthermore, for senior high school students who consider their parents’ relationship to be harmonious, the less they agree that cohabitation can substitute for marriage, the more they would want to marry in the future.




