  • 學位論文


A study of an action-reflection learning approach of Basketball lessons in he Department of Physical Education: An exploration of students’critical thinking

指導教授 : 掌慶維




The purpose of this study was to explore students’ critical thinking processes during the learning cycle. The participants of the study were twenty freshmen selected basketball as major in National Taiwan Normal University, who participated in 18- week Action-Reflection learning approach basketball program in a semester. All participants completed the critical thinking abilities and critical thinking disposition test assessed by pre/post test. The quantitative data was analyzed by independent t-test. The qualitative data collection instruments used in this study were participant observation, interviews and discourse analysis. The researcher collected information through discussing strategies in small groups, and using discourse analysis in accordance with the opinions of debating from one of those groups. The following were the results of this study: 1. Action-reflection learning approach improved PE-major students’ critical thinking disposition, systematicity and analyticity, openness and empathy, intellectual inquisitiveness, holistic and reflection. 2. Action-reflection learning approach enhanced PE-major students’ critical thinking abilities, inferences, deductions, and evaluations. 3. Action-reflection learning approach helped PE-major students to show critical thinking positively in the learning process, through the interaction with the members in small groups and action reflection on cycle.


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