  • 學位論文


A Study of Liu Fu Chu's Creative Ballads

指導教授 : 陳龍廷


本論文是以研究分析劉福助的創作歌謠,從開始收集劉福助的創作,到分析創作的過程,建立台語的語料,而這些珍貴的的語料,成為新世代年輕人日後對台語的疑惑指引,乃是本論文的目的之ㄧ。另外,第一手流行音樂文獻的整理很欠缺,對於深入研究者是一大阻礙,本論文的研究剛好可以彌補,並為所引用的歌曲加以台羅拼音註記,建立流行音樂文獻。 論文為兩大部份,一是整理劉福助的演藝生涯,包括了劉福助如何成為電台歌手的開始與過程、及創作的重要夥伴整理、創作中的得獎作品分析、以及西元兩千年後的作品。另一部分是分析劉福助的創作特色,這些特色創作表現,包括科諧幽默的創作、語言腔調的創作、家庭社會觀點的創作、以及台灣習俗的創作、台灣地景的創作。 劉福助的創作是以生活層面為題材,細至生活小事,大至社會的鎂光燈事件,都是創作的題材。以台語為主要創作語言,也見混合語言於創作中,善用語言的表現及逗趣的口吻,增加創作的精采。本論文對劉福助的創作分析,進而達到了對本土語言的教育功能,以及文化傳承的功能。


The thesis of the research of Mr. Liu Fu-Chuś creative folk songs. By collecting and analysis Mr.Liuś works. it will establish the data of Taiwanese language materials, one of the purpose of this thesis is the clear the doubt for the younger generation, on the other hand, it is deficient to reorganize the first-hand musical document. This is a impediment to whom to penetrate into this study, so that it can be vamp up the deficiency and note with Taiwanese-Roman, than established the document to his creative songs. There are two different parts to this thesis, one is his performing career, including the story of Mr.Liuś background, begining with a radio singer, and his major partner at musical works, analysis among his creative awards and works after year of 2000. The other one is a unique feature works, including humorous, accent, standpoint of the common people and Taiwanes people habitude and Taiwan landscape. Mr. Liuś works is based on the daily life, even more detail or the social headlines are all the subject matter. The major language is Taiwanese and also mixed up some languages in his works too, good at language expression, and making fun of tone to increase the works wonderful. This thesis of analysis can provide the learner to understand the Taiwanese more to Mr. Liuś works.


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