  • 學位論文


Peer Support Growth Group for Married Couples: A Study in Change Experience for Couples in Conflict

指導教授 : 陳秉華


本研究目的在探討「同儕互助」夫妻成長團體對知覺有婚姻衝突且有主動改善意願的夫妻之改變經驗及其所知覺的團體療效因子。本研究「同儕互助」夫妻成長團體融合了轉化應用夫妻懇談會模式、華人本土婚姻家庭的文化意識以及家庭系統理論之重要概念,發展成為在地的夫妻成長團體方案。 本研究具體的研究問題為:1.參加本研究的夫妻在其重大婚姻衝突經驗為何?2.參加本研究的夫妻參與「同儕互助」夫妻成長團體後之改變經驗為何?3.參加本研究的夫妻對於「同儕互助」夫妻成長團體所知覺的療效因子為何? 本研究「同儕互助」夫妻成長團體進行方式是每週一次,每次2.5小時,合計共8週20小時。研究資料取自五對婚齡介於3.5年~22年間,年齡介於33~57歲之間的已婚夫妻,他們於團體開始前、第四次團體單元後和第八次團體單元結束後共接受三次訪談,分別為團體前訪、團體中訪和團體後訪,三次訪談都以夫妻分別接受半結構個別深度訪談之方式進行。本研究採用紮根理論分析和夫妻對偶分析方法進行資料分析,整理出五對研究參與夫妻的重大婚姻衝突經驗、參與團體後之改變經驗和其所知覺的團體療效因子。研究結果發現: 一、研究參與夫妻之重大婚姻衝突經驗 五對研究參與夫妻重大婚姻衝突經驗可統整為「夫妻溝通互動」、「夫妻情感關係」、 「夫妻與其原生家庭關係和其姻親相處」及「對下一代教養管教」等四大層面。 他們在「夫妻溝通互動層面」的婚姻衝突經驗可綜合歸納為「經常重複類似的衝突溝通互動模式」、「溝通協調衝突」、「情緒表達管理衝突」和「家庭主導協調衝突」等方面。在其「夫妻情感關係層面」上的衝突經驗包括了「夫妻關係冷淡疏離」和「對性關係不滿意」等。而在「與其原生家庭關係和其姻親相處層面」之婚姻衝突經驗內容共涵蓋「面對傳統家庭婚姻觀的衝突」、「和夫家姻親相處調適衝突」以及「和妻家姻親相處調適衝突」等方面。至於在「對下一代教養管教層面」的衝突上,則有「教養觀念作法衝突與親職知能不足」、「親職角色衝突衝擊夫妻情感關係」、「長輩涉入教養造成壓力衝突」、「工作-家庭平衡衝突」等方面。 而在其重大婚姻衝突經驗內容中頗具有本土婚姻現象特色者包括「以照顧對方家人取代性關係維繫夫妻情感」、「融入夫家磨合調適夫妻各有苦衷」、「奉養責任協調夫妻各有兩難衝突」、「傳宗接代責任應對壓力衝突」、「與夫家或妻家姻親衝突而破壞夫妻關係」、「子女教養管教壓力或衝突衝擊夫妻情感關係」以及「長輩過度干涉教養管教造成夫妻壓力衝突」等經驗。 二、研究參與夫妻參與團體後之改變經驗 研究參與夫妻在參與本研究團體後的改變經驗亦可統整為前述四大層面。而各層面下的改變經驗內涵相當豐富,依其屬性可再區分為覺察、態度感受、認知觀點及技巧行為等向度。 參與本團體後,以「夫妻溝通互動」層面來說,研究參與夫妻的改變經驗有「覺察重複的衝突溝通互動模式與適度修正」、「促進夫妻溝通協調」、「提升情緒表達管理」以及「協調家庭主導共識」等四方面。以「夫妻情感關係」層面來說,其改變經驗有「增進親密契合與欣賞感激之情感」和「增進性愛親密關係」兩方面。至於在「與其原生家庭關係和其姻親相處」層面中其改變經驗共包括「覺察傳統文化家庭婚姻價值觀影響與適度調整」、「增進和夫家關係相處的調適」以及「增進和妻家關係相處的調適」等三方面。而在「對下一代教養管教」層面則包括「提升教養知能與親職角色」、「增進親職角色連帶促進夫妻情感」、「適度協調長輩對教養的影響涉入」和「尋求工作-家庭平衡」等四方面。 這其中具本土文化意義之婚姻現象有:「更忍讓包容姻親以維繫關係和諧和保留情份」、「妻放下顧忌成見而更接納夫家相關重要家人」、「夫更加欣賞感激妻對夫家的付出」、「更覺察婆媳相處衝突困境中的人我關係互動」、「更愛屋及烏善待配偶其他姻親家人」、「持續覺察省思傳統的教養觀念方式」和「親職角色的共識合作連帶促進夫妻情感關係契合」等改變經驗內容。此外還有「對傳統家庭婚姻觀念規範束縛仍感到困惑或矛盾」、「妻對孝順奉養責任與生子壓力仍感矛盾而難以釋懷」、「暫時擱置婆媳共處互動難題」以及「妻無奈接受夫對待娘家家人的消極冷淡態度」等未能因參與本研究團體而獲得有效改善的衝突矛盾或困惑。這些婚姻經驗未來皆值得再進一步深入探討分析之。 三、研究參與夫妻知覺「同儕互助」夫妻成長團體的團體療效因子 研究參與夫妻對「同儕互助」夫妻成長團體所覺知的團體療效因子共可歸納為團體氣氛因素、團體成員間鏡映動力因素、夫妻團體介入策略因素、方案內容設計因素以及治療師因素等五類;其中共蘊含團體凝聚力、情緒宣洩、利他、替代學習、人際學習、相似性與普同感、相異性與多元性、社會比較與自我了解、希望感的注入、介入行動化與具體化、婚姻諮商技術之轉化應用、夫妻共識一體、針對問題解決的立即性與實用性、文化意識觀點的融入、資訊傳遞與知識教導、示範、認同模仿等17項療效因子。 研究者根據研究結果與相關文獻進行討論,文末說明本研究限制,並根據研究發現,針對婚姻輔導實務工作和未來相關研究提出建議。


This study explores the change experience and therapeutic factors for married couples who are in conflicting relationship but willing to participating in a “Peer Support Growth Group” (PSGG) to resolve their marital conflicts. Specifically, the research questions of the study include the following: (1) What are the critical marriage conflicts experienced by the research participants? (2) What changes were experienced by the research participants after PSGG? (3) What group therapeutic factors are perceived by the participants in PSGG? PSGG is a combination of a modified Marriage Encounter group, local Chinese marriage and family values, and critical concepts of family system theory. It meets once per week for 2.5 hours every session, a total of 20 hours. The participants are five couples aged between 33 and 57, who have been married for 3.5 to 22 years. Three interviews are conducted with the participants, namely one before the initial group meeting, one after the fourth group meeting, and one after the eighth group meeting. These three interviews adopted a semi-structured in-depth individual interviewing method, where couples are interviewed separately. For data analysis, this study used grounded theory and dyadic analysis. The findings of this study are presented below. 1. Critical Marriage Conflicts The critical marriage conflicts experienced by the five participating couples are classified into four major categories: “communication and interaction”, “affection” ,“relationship with primary family and in-laws”, and “child discipline.” The marriage conflicts in the “communication and interaction” category include “repeated patterns of communication and interaction conflicts” ,“communication and coordination conflicts”, “emotional expression management conflicts”, and “family-led coordination conflicts”. “Affection” conflict between couples include “estranged marital relationship” and “sexual dissatisfaction”. “Relationship with primary family and in-laws” conflicts include “traditional family and marriage values”, and “relationships with in-laws”. “Child discipline” conflict include “different parenting concepts and insufficient parenting knowledge, skills, and ability”, “the impact of parenting on the marital relationship”, “stress from external parenting intervention”, and “work-family imbalance”. Furthermore, critical conflicts experienced in Chinese marriages are caused by “providing care for in-laws replacing the couple’s sexual relationship and intimacy” ,“difficulty in adjusting to in-laws”, “difficulties in coordinating the couple’s responsibilities to take care of their parents”, “stress related to their duty to produce children to continue the family line”, “conflicts with in-laws” ,“parenting stresses or disagreements between spouses,” and “excessive external parenting intervention.” 2. Changes Experienced after Group Therapy After PSGG, the five participating couples experienced changes in “communication and interaction” in the following aspects, that is, “awareness and elimination of repeated patterns of discordant communication and interaction”, “encouraged communication and coordination” ,“improvement of emotional expression management”, and “coordination of family-led consensus”. The couple experienced changes in “affection” in the following aspects, that is, “improved intimacy and increased appreciation” and “better sexual satisfaction.” The couple experienced change in “relationship with primary family and in-laws” in the following aspects, that is, “awareness of and adjustment to traditional family and marriage values” and “each partner endeavoring to improve their relationship with their in-laws”. The changes experienced by the couples in “child discipline” in the following aspects, that is, “enhanced parenting knowledge, skills, ability and parenting role”, “improved affection and intimacy between the couple because of enhanced parenting skills”, “appropriate external parenting intervention”, and “emphasis on achieving work-family balance”. The changes experienced by the participating couples regarding Chinese cultural marriage and family values include “a higher tolerance for in-laws to sustain relationship affection and harmony” , “the wife overcoming potential bias and increasing acceptance of her in-laws,” “the husband learning to appreciate the wife’s devotion to her in-laws”, “the couple being more aware of the conflict between the wife and her mother-in-law”, “better treatment of in-laws”, “continuing observation and assessment of traditional parenting concepts and methods” , and “consensus and cooperation between the couple regarding parenting, thereby facilitating affection.” Nevertheless, some conflicts and discord could not be effectively resolved between the participating couples, such as “contradictions in traditional marriage values and constraints,” “stress experienced by the wife from her responsibility to care for her parents and continue the family line,” “interaction difficulties between the wife and her mother-in-law,” and “the wife’s reluctant acceptance of her husband’s apathetic attitude to her relatives.” These unresolved marriage issues can be further explored in future studies. 3. The Perceived Therapeutic factors in PSGG Five therapeutic effects in PSGG are perceived by the participating couples: the group atmosphere, in-group observation, intervention from couple’s group, program design, and the therapist’s factor. These effects comprise the following 17 therapeutic factors: group cohesiveness, catharsis, altruism, vicarious learning, interpersonal learning, similarity and universality, dissimilarity and diversity, social comparison and self-understanding, the instillation of hope, action and concretization of intervention, implementation of marriage counseling skills, consensus among the couples, immediate and practical problem resolution, blending of cultural awareness aspects, information transmission and knowledge education, demonstration, and identification and imitation. The discussion are based on the research findings and related literature. The study limitations are explained at the end of this study, and recommendations for marriage counseling practice and further studies are proposed based on the research findings.


簡文吟、伊慶春(2004)。共識與歧見:夫妻配對研究的重要性。台灣社會學,7, 89-122。


