  • 學位論文


Natural Experience of Mountaineers

指導教授 : 王順美


人與自然的關係在不同的時空一直在變化著。追逐都市化、工業化的今天,我們環境的大量開發、生活型態的轉變,人與自然的距離隨著時間的前進,彷彿變得越來越遙遠了。   親近自然、觸摸自然、感受自然是我們最原始與自然互動的方式。在自然已經離我們生活範圍越來越遠的情況下,人們接觸自然的方式多透過休閒的安排。   過往,關於自然體驗的研究或論述多集中在孩童的身上,缺乏成人經驗的敘述,而以登山為研究題材的更為罕見。研究者本身在登山過程中獲得自然的經驗,並且有深刻的影響,因此,研究者透過質性研究方法,藉由訪談的方式,訪談三位資深且經常登山的登山者,探討歸納登山過程中自然體驗的內涵,以及登山的自然體驗會受那些因素影響。   本研究主要發現,登山者的自然經驗是登山者在平靜的狀態下,舉凡因為自然的情境、事物所引起的反應(感官感受與情感連結)。登山者進入山林的環境,由於山林跟登山者以往生活環境的差異、還有活動方式的不一樣,他們的身心都經歷調適的過程。在他們要感受到大自然之前,他們必須先感受到自己,在一種「什麼都不用想」的狀態下感受自己,身體感官會很快地敏銳到大自然的存在,感受大自然的「性格」,例如溫度、濕度、風速等等,並從當下的和事後的感受去看待自己與山林的關係。此外,認識大自然,除了透過身體的感受去認識大自然之外,還有一種是心裡與自然的對話,從中看到人與自然的關係,並可能會引發人想為環境做點什麼的動力。最直接影響登山者的自然經驗,是他們在山林裡活動時體驗到的個人因素,例如身體狀況、行走和定點停留。 而外在的因素,分別為有形的動植物、登山團體和重要影響人與原住民,及無形的時間。


登山 自然體驗 環境教育


Industrialization has brought about rapid urbanization of our environment. Coupled with our pursuit of a ‘modern’, urbane lifestyle, mankind is increasingly alienated from mother nature. It is human’s instinct to be attracted to mother nature. However, when nature seems further apart from our daily lives, getting closer to nature can only be achieved through planned recreation activities.  Existing research material on experiences of nature are mostly focused on children as target subjects. Research on adult interactions with nature is lacking, much less specific research on mountaineering. Having had great experiences during mountaineering, the researcher hopes to explore the specific interactions with nature for experienced mountaineers and understand the various factors that influence this experience. Qualitative research was conducted through interviews with three experienced mountaineers. It was found that connections with nature were usually made when the mountaineers were in a calm state of mind. The sights and sounds of nature were then able to invoke emotions. When first exposed to the natural environment, the mountaineers undergo a brief phase of adjustment as the environment is vastly different from what they are used to in the city. Before they can truly experience nature, they have to reach a state of inner calmness and be aware of themselves and their physical being within the environment. Only then can their senses be in tuned to interact with nature, to sense nature’s various attributes such as the subtle changes in temperature, humidity and wind speed etc. Their experience of nature is a combination of this physical experience when being in nature, as well as their feelings and memories of the event. Other than the physical experience, there exists emotional interactions with nature whereby man begins to understand their relationship with nature and realizes the role they have to play to safeguard the environment. Factors that affect these experiences include individual specifics such as differing physical conditions, paths travelled and rest stops. External factors include the flora and fauna on the mountain; other mountaineering groups; the aborigines inhabiting the area and most of all, time.



