  • 學位論文


The study of the Senior Civil Service Examination System in the Republic of China

指導教授 : 陳延輝博士


我國高級文官考選制度之研究 我國行政機關組織中的成員除政務官外,簡薦委制中簡任第10職等以上之文官稱為高級文官,分別從公務人員特種考試甲等考試、國軍上校以上軍官外職停役轉任公務人員檢覈、簡任升等(資)考試、職位分類考試第10職等以上考試以及銓定資格考試,其政策制定之歷史背景、應考資格、應試科目、考試方法、考試技術及實施成果等方面加以探討。並參酌英、美、德、法、日世界主要國家高級文官之考選制度,從應考人觀點,探討願意從事我國高級文官之誘因,到底有那些激勵因素;從考選觀點,探討高級文官之養成究宜重視學校的通才教育抑或專業教育;考試的方法除筆試、口試、論文審查外,宜具備那些核心能力,應如何衡鑑,始能拔擢真才;任用後宜循序陞遷抑或快速陞遷,由無官職等級之限制;高級文官應如何培訓,始能肩負國家所賦予的重責大任,為國效命。 本文採文獻探討、參與觀察、事後回溯的研究方法,並視組織為有機體,兼採縱貫、橫斷研究的比較分析方法,研究材料取自歷年考試院施政編年錄、中華民國考選行政概況、中華民國考選統計、考選法規、歷年應考須知以及專家、學者之論著等資料,加以整理比較分析,研究發現和建議,作為考選規劃單位研擬我國高級文官考選政策修正之參考。 因應環境需要,創新考選制度:配合社會變遷,整建各種公務人員考選制度,以選拔公部門所需之各種專才,提供優質公共服務,同時,面對我國加入世界貿易後之國際競爭,將加強與世界各國之合作與交流,俾與國際接軌。 精進考選方法與技術,強化教考用連結:透過工作分析及核心能力的建立,視考試性質運用各種考試方法和技術,以加強人才適性評鑑,與大專院校、政府相關主管機關建立溝通機制,掌握公部門人力需求,落實教考用合一之充分配合。


The study of the Senior Civil Service Examination System in the Republic of China The Senior Civil Service Examination their types include:Special A Examination for the Civil Service , Qualification Screening Examination for the Colonel and above to Hold the Civil Service Post, Rank Promotion Examinations for Civil Service, Qualification Assessment Examination. Special A Examination designed for applicants who hold Ph.D. with a two-year outstanding performance record, M.A. or M.S. with a four-year outstanding performance record, Professors or associate professors with a three-year outstanding performance record, Who have been successful candidates in Higher Examination, with a six-year outstanding performance, College graduates with a six-year outstanding performance record as magistrates or mayors, College graduates or successful candidates in Higher Examinations who have an outstanding performance record as chairmen or general managers for three year as vice manager for six years. Screening of Qualifications is effected by a review of the educational backgrounds and work experiences of the candidates concerned. It applies to the conversion of colonels and generals to civil service and to candidates campaigning for elected posts in the government, central and local. Rank Promotion Examinations for Civil Service are held for government workers in the Rank Personnel System. They fall into the promotion of Medium Officials to Senior Officials. Last is the Qualification Assessment Examination. Methods of the Examination include:Pencil-and-Paper Test, Oral Examination, Test, Review the Background of Education & Working Experiences with Dissertation, Review the Publications or Inventions. To enhance fairness and credibility of national examination. which is Innovation in Response to an Evolving Environment:In step with changes in society, we will continue to implement a civil service examinations system that identifies the many talents public institutions need, and provides a superior quality of service. At the same time, in response to the increased competition our nation faces since its accession to the World Trade Organization, we intend to increase our exchanges and modes of cooperation with countries from around the world so as to consolidate , and bring our own standards into line with those of our international counterparts. Advanced Examination Technology that Connects Education to Achievement:Through an appreciation of job analysis and core competency findings, we are able to enable flexible examination models that utilize various types of examination Methods & technology and better evaluate candidate suitability for the positions they may occupy. We actively strengthen the mechanisms for communication with institutes of higher learning and the relevant government institutions, so as to possess a firm grasp of the manpower and skills requirements of public bodies, and achieve our ultimate aim of smoothly coordinating education, examination and employment.


Huddleston, Mark W. and William W. Boyer(1996),The higher civil service in the United States:Quest for Reform,University of Pittsburgh Press:Pittsburgh.
Huddleston, Mark W.(Winter,1988-89)Is the SES a Higher Civil Service,Policy Studies Journal,(Vol.17 No.2),pp406-419.
