  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 譚克平


本研究的主要目的在於效化中譯TUG-K測驗工具,以及瞭解國三學生在運動學圖形的詮釋能力與知識背景和讀圖能力之間的關係,並探討學生詮釋運動學圖形常見的錯誤類型。 研究採二階段設計,第一階段為效化中譯工具,研究對象為大台北區三所學校223名國中三年級學生。第二階段討論學生在運動學圖形的詮釋能力與知識背景和基本讀圖能力之間的關係,研究對象為台北市某國中兩班共81名學生,學生接受「TUG-K中文版測驗」、「直線運動概念測驗」和「讀科學圖形能力測驗」三個問卷。及後根據分組成績選出12位學生,進行事後晤談,以深入瞭解學生詮釋運動學圖形的各種想法。 歸納資料分析的結果,本研究發現:(一) 國三學生所建立TUG-K中文版測驗信、效度在合理範圍,題目鑑別度高;(二) 國三學生在TUG-K測驗的表現良好;(三) 學生運動學圖形的詮釋能力與其在運動學的知識背景相關性較高;(四) 運動學圖形表現較差的學生,詮釋運動學圖形易受文字及線段方向的干擾;(五) 運動學圖形表現較差的學生,不管是解那一類些的圖形,其解題方式常直接將Y軸的數值或Y軸與X軸數值相除視為答案;(六) 對一般學生而言,運動學圖形難度順序為加速度圖、速度圖、位置圖;(七) 學生在運動學圖形詮釋的過程常見的錯誤類型時為文字說明混淆、將圖形視為物體運動的軌跡圖、斜率與高度混淆、變數混淆、非原點/直線斜率錯誤、關係圖混淆;(八) 影響學生讀圖瞭解運動學圖形的情形包括:對運動學的背景知識、文字敘述、讀圖方式、學生個人解題經驗、學生自我預期、圖形的複雜度等因素。 根據本研究的結果,可提出下列建議:(一) 學生詮釋運動學圖形的表現與知識背景的相關性較高,因此教師在提供運動學圖形,應先考量學生是否已理解相關概念;(二) 在教學中,對圖形呈現方式應較多元,避免學生有直接代入公式或是過度練習的情形。在未來的研究方向,可考慮不同的研究對象、題目型態與領域以及討論影響詮釋運動學圖形能力其它因素。


The objective of this study is to validate the translated TUG-K test tool and to correlate the 9th grade student’s comprehension of kinematics graph with their background knowledge and graphing ability, so as to investigate students’ common misinterpretation of comprehending kinematics graphs. This study is based on the result of a 2-stage research. The first stage is to validate the translated tool, aiming at 233 9th grade junior high school students from three schools in Taipei. The second stage is to investigate how students’ apprehension ability of kinematics graphs relates to their knowledge base and graphing ability. The object of study is the 81 students of two classes in some junior high school in Taipei, and three questionnaires including “TUG-K test in Chinese version”, “rectilinear motion sense test”, and “test of graph in science” are filled out by the students. Twelve students were chosen per their group grades for further interview, for the purpose of deeply investigating the students’ opinion in explaining kinematics graphs. The result of data-analysis show: (1) Reliability and validities of TUG-K established by 9th grade students were reasonable and discrimination was satisfactory. (2) 9th grade students exhibit high performance in TUG-K Test. (3) Students’ interpretation in kinematics graphs is highly correlated with backgrounds in kinematics. (4) Students with difficulty in kinematics graphs were easily misconceived by texts or segmental direction. (5) Generally, students with difficulty in kinematics graphs tend to give inappropriate answers with y-axis value or calculate y/x value for any problems. (6) For most students, the following difficulty order of kinematics graphs was derived: acceleration-time graph> velocity-time graph>position-time graph (7) Most commonly error patterns were text description confusion, graph as movement path confusion, slope/height confusion, variable confusion, non-origin/slope confusion, graph representation confusion. (8) The factors affecting interpretation includes: background in kinematics, ext description, graph interpretation, students’ problem-solving experience, students’ self-anticipation, and graph complexity. Suggestions per this study result are listed as follows: (1) since students’ comprehension to kinematics graph has high correlation to their knowledge pool, instructors should take students perception level into account prior to introducing kinematics graphs to teaching; (2) in teaching, versatile displays of kinematics graphs is recommended to avoid students’ direct substitution of numbers for quick answer and over practicing in exercise problems. Future work may include the investigation of how different objects, problem types, and problem fields influence students’ graphing ability.




