  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 林薇




With an aging population, maintaining healthy is drawing everyone’s attention. In addition to the need for food diversity, it is hoped that health maintenance can be simplified through technology. Therefore various types of health foods are thriving in the market. Numerous studies have found that middle-aged is the main customer of health food products. With this in mind, a current study investigates 12 middle-aged male and female subjects from the ages of 50 to 65. These individuals all live in Taipei. Using a qualitative in-depth interview there was an attempt to understand the status, motivation, and influencing factors of health food consumption as well as and the expectations toward the management of the government. The results show that firstly of all, customers presume that the function, appearance, and production process of health food resemble that associated with medicine. It is assumed that health food is the product produced by a health food company. It can not only strengthen the physical condition but also contain curative functions. Customers do not understand the meaning of “the symbol of health food”. Most of them think this symbol serves as quality affirmation and are not aware that health food may also in regular food forms. Secondly, in terms of purchasing motivation and the behavior pattern, middle-aged customers consumed health food based on their health condition, the principle of health maintenance, the need for health food as daily nutrition supplements, or the suggestions from relatives and friends (those who have had a pleasant experience in consuming health food). When the customers are not physically sound, they feel their health condition needs to be improved and thus make choices based on an improvement of health. When they believe that certain nutrition cannot be acquired through daily diet, or when they are given suggestions from relatives or friends who have had successful experiences with health foods, it is likely that their expectation of health food providing the essential nutrients to improve health is thus kindled. Furthermore they are motivated and determined to purchase health food even though doing so is in effect not in keeping with their regular principle of health maintenance. However, it is found that they will not continue consumption once their health condition is improved. Nonetheless, if they are an advocate of health food themselves, they will regularly consume health foods in large amounts especially when their physical conditions are not sound. Because the price of health food in the market tends to be high, the purchasing behavior is also subject to the customer’s socioeconomic status: those who are in higher socioeconomic status are more likely to make purchase food without price being a factor. In addition, consumer behavior will be reinforced once they find that the effects of the products are what they were looking for. Thirdly, many people recognize the Health Food Control Act established by the government. Customers believe that since the relevant law has been made, it is indispensable to implement this regulation strictly as well as to encourage promotion of the law so as to strengthen their understanding of the symbol of health food. The current study holds that the government spends much money on making relevant policies, evaluating products, promotion, and implementation but it has been found that all of these have not effective. Not only is there a discrepancy between the customers’ awareness of health food and that of the relevant policy, but also the market is filled with enormous health foods without government issued symbol. Customers are not protected by the Health Food Control Act. Our government should reconsider the purpose of making relevant laws and assessing the involvement of their constituents in accepting these laws.




