  • 學位論文


Study on The Characteristics of Chinese Flower Art in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃永川教授


中國人崇尚「天人合一」;中華花藝的造型上,是以大自然中各種風景和植物生長之形態為依歸,與中國的園林,盆景藝術一樣,是大自然的縮影。它採取自然界優美的花卉草木,甚至石頭、枯木、水,透過人文的思考,剪栽搭配在花器之中;取材簡潔,使觀賞者感受到一種回歸自然的平和淡雅情趣,是一種高度的藝術表現,也是生活藝術中直接而便捷的一種表現。 「東方插花藝術」它源自中國,為中華優美民族生活之表徵,也是最優美的古典藝術之一。在宋朝,插花與掛畫、點茶、焚香,同稱為『生活的四藝』,成為當時人最普遍的基本素養。公元十四世紀花藝由中國傳入日本、韓國…等。幾世紀以來日本「花道」發展至今,己成為日本藝術的重要一環,在日本人生活中是不可或缺的,「花道教育」甚至在日本大學中有高深的探討與研究;熟不知這原是中華民族早期的文化結晶,後因清未的戰亂與文化大革命…等,插花藝術因而停滯。 台灣有中國各省多元的文化,台灣可以說是中華文化大熔爐。經過幾十年來文化的融合,因而形成中華文化的多樣性,有創造性轉化的新契機。我們要重拾被忽略已久的文化涵養,提昇對優美文化的認知與肯定。在中華民族五千多年文化藝術傳承中,找尋現代文明的美感特質及美學涵養,以發揚真正屬於我們台灣「中華插花藝術」為使命。


Abstract Chinese people admire and respect highly “the unity of human and nature.” The style of Chinese Flower Art is rooted on the variety of scenery in nature and the unique appearances and shapes of plants. Similar to the art of Chinese Gardening and bonsai, it is a miniature representation of nature. It selects the beautiful flowers, branches, even stones, dried woods, and water, through humanity thinking, trimming and matching them in the flower vase. The material selection is simple and clean. It brings spectators a feeling of enjoyment like returning to the nature with peacefulness and simple elegance. It is a high level of artistic presentation and a direct and expedient presentation of living art. “Eastern Flower Art” is originated from China. It is an exhibition of graceful living of Chinese people. It is also one of the most elegant classical arts. In Suhng Dynasty, flower art together with painting, tea ceremony, and incense burning are called “Four Arts of Living.” They have become the most popular basic cultivated manners of that time. In fourteen century A.D. the flower art was imported from China into Japan, Korea, etc. Over a few centuries until now the Japanese “Flower Tao” has developed into an important part of Japanese art. It is inseparable from Japanese daily lives. Even in Japanese colleges they have in-depth discussion and research on “Flower Tao Education;” not to mention this was an early culture crystallization of Chinese people. Later on, the flower art in China was stalled due to war in late Ching Dynasty and communist culture revolution. Taiwan has the multifaceted culture from many Chinese provinces. Taiwan is the melting pot of Chinese culture. After the culture blending of several decades, a multidimensional Chinese culture was formed. It spurs the opportunity of creative change. We need to pick up again the long neglected culture content and elevate the recognition and confirmation of beautiful culture. Amid the inheritance of the five thousand years of Chinese art and culture, we search for the special quality and beauty of modern civilization in order to spread our true own mission of Taiwan “Chinese Flower Art”.


