  • 學位論文


A study on the strategic planning of a learning community for seniors

指導教授 : 林振春


高齡者學習社區已成為迎接高齡社會挑戰的優勢資源,而高齡社會的來臨,也為發展高齡者學習社區開啟有利的機會。一種以年滿55歲以上者為主體,定位活躍老化為願景,且建立有一套成員共同遵循之學習機制的社區型態,其發展成效,刻正受到舉世各國關注之中。   本研究兼重理論探討與實徵分析,主要目的有四:(一)探討高齡者學習社區的願景與目標;(二)進行高齡者學習社區環境分析,尋找出優勢、劣勢、機會與威脅;(三)發展高齡者學習社區的行動策略;(四) 根據研究結果,提出具體建議,作為推動高齡者學習社區的參考。研究進行中,以策略規劃模式為分析架構,採取德懷術問卷調查法與焦點團體座談法,作為檢核高齡者學習社區策略規劃的依據。經由文獻探討,國內、外高齡者學習社區案例分析,以及對環境中的優勢、劣勢、機會與威脅因素的掌握,定位出『活躍老化』為高齡者學習社區的願景,以及達致願景的策略性目標與行動策略。   本研究的主要結論有六: 1.高齡者學習社區的願景『活躍老化』。 2.高齡者學習社區的策略性目標,在個人層次為:『提升高齡者培力』 、『促進高齡者成功老化』;在社區層次則有:『形塑高齡者社區學習文化』、 『建立高齡者社區終身學習體系』,上述四項策略性目標,構織為達成活 躍老化的目標網。 3.高齡者學習社區的環境分析:在外部總體環境方面,計有『全球化 的高齡者教育環境』、『政治法律環境』、『經濟環境』、『人口結構環境』、『社會與文化環境』、『資訊科技環境』六項環境變數,及二十四項分析要項;在內部個體環境方面,計有『社區高齡者學習環境分析』、『競爭對手分析』、『顧客分析』、『優勢資源分析』四項環境變數,及十項分析要項。 4.高齡者學習社區的SWOT分析 (1)高齡者學習社區的優勢(S):「高齡者能擁有獨立自主生活型態」、「以 高齡者活躍老化為願景,產品定位清楚」、「長青人力銀行等核心競爭 力組合具競爭優勢」、「新進入者的經營方式重視學習機能的建置」、「高 齡人力的開發與再運用」、「自用住宅比率提高」; (2)高齡者學習社區的劣勢(W):「以中高收入為目標客層的限制」、「社區 高齡學習機能質量不足」、「高齡者普遍參與學習風氣未開」。 (3)高齡者學習社區的機會(O):「人口老化,高齡學習問題具迫切性」、「老 人教育的觀點由老年人權觀取代老人福利觀」、「嬰兒潮世代重視退休 生活品質」、「政府訂頒有助高齡學習的相關法律與政策」、「社區成為 提供高齡者學習資源的重要機制」、「更多的資訊科技用於高齡學習」、 「在地老化社區安養蔚為主流」、「少子化後,國中小空餘教室可成為 社區高齡者學習中心」、「社區終身學習文化逐漸形成」; (4)高齡者學習社區的威脅(T):「少子化現象弱化家庭安養功能」、「城鄉 資源差距大,區位特殊性明顯」、「低經濟成長,所得減少,購屋需求 減緩」; 5.高齡者學習社區的行動策略:就個人層次而言,計提出四項實施策略:『籌組高齡學習自助團體』、『參與社區公共事務』、『安排高齡者社交活動』及『成立長青人力銀行』等,以及其下計十七項執行方案;就社區層次而言,計有:『成立高齡者終身學習促進會』、『設置高齡者終身學習資源中心』、『設立金齡學苑』及『建置行政支援服務系統』等四項實施策略,以及其下計二十一項執行方案, 6.可利用策略規劃模式發展我國高齡者學習社區。   根據研究結論,提出建議如下:  1.對政府機關之建議 (1)推動社區本位的高齡者教育; (2)明訂『活躍老化』為老人教育政策的最高指導原則; (3)建立高齡者社區終身學習體系,鼓勵安養與學習結合的新退休觀; (4)成立長青人力銀行,建立老年人力資料庫。 2.對學校機構之建議 (1)大學與退休社區結合,經營彼此雙贏的合作賽局; (2)利用學校閒置資源轉化供社區高齡者學習運用。 3.對銀髮住宅社區經營業者之建議 (1)以活躍老化願景作為推案或經營的規準; (2)設置專責單位,負責推展高齡者學習活動; (3)發展連續性照護的退休社區模式,落實在地活躍老化理念。 4.對高齡者之建議 (1)理解學習權是老年人權,主動參與學習活動; (2)體認活躍老化的願景,積極參與社會。 5.對未來研究之建議 (1)研究對象:可選取老化程度較嚴重的社區或實際居住於銀髮住宅社區 中的老人,瞭解其需求與看法: (2)研究方法:可採用行動研究,藉以獲得事實面的資料; (3)研究工具:宜增加其他研究方法的比重; (4)研究主題:可進行個案研究或高齡者學習社區的可行性評估等主題。


A study on the strategic planning of a learning community for senior citizens Fen-Yu Chu ABSTRACT A learning community environment for senior citizens has already become a resource advantage in facing the challenges of an aging society. In retrospect, as our society ages, opportunities arise for the development of learning communities for senior citizens. Such a community is defined as serving citizens above the age of 55 with the objectives of achieving active aging by creating a community model with an established learning mechanism that is available to and observed by its members. The result of this particular development is currently under keen observation from countries around the world. We have strived to strike a balance between theoretical discussions and actual case analyses with four objectives in mind: (一) to discuss and determine the visions and objectives of a learning community for senior citizens; (二) to conduct environmental analyses and assessments for a learning community for senior citizens to determine its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT); (三) to develop strategies of practical action for a learning community for senior citizens and (四) to offer concrete suggestions based on the results of the research as references in the promotion of learning communities for senior citizens. In the course of the research, we have adopted a strategic planning model to be the framework for our analyses. The Delphi survey method and Focus Group Interview have been chosen to assess the basis of strategic planning of learning communities for senior citizens. From reviews of available literature and analyses of domestic and foreign cases of learning communities for senior citizens along with the identification of these communities’ strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, we have come to define "active aging" as the vision for senior citizens’ learning communities and we will provide the strategic objectives and action strategies in order to realize this vision. The main conclusions we have reached in this study are listed below: 1.The ideal vision for a learning community for senior citizens is "active aging". 2.At the individual level, the strategic objectives of learning communities for senior citizens would be to "enhance empowerment for senior citizens " and "promote successful aging for senior citizens"; at the community level, the objectives are "shaping a learning culture for senior communities" and "establishing a lifelong learning system for senior communities". These four strategic objectives will form the network to facilitate active aging. 3.The environmental analyses of learning communities for senior citizens: for general exterior environment, there are six environmental variables, namely: "globalized educational environments for senior citizens", "political and legal environments", "economic environments", "population infrastructure environments", "social and cultural environments" and "information and technological environments" with 24 items for analysis. As for individual interior environments, there are four environmental variables: "analysis of learning environments for senior communities", "analysis of competitors", "analysis of customers" and "analysis of resource advantages" with 10 items for analysis. 4.The SWOT analysis of learning communities for senior citizens : (1)Strengths of the realization of learning communities for senior citizens (S): "independence of senior citizens in their daily lives", "clear product definition with the goal of facilitating active aging for senior citizens", "competitive advantages from key organizations such as Senior Citizens’ Human Resources Bank", "the emphasis on the installation of learning mechanisms in senior citizens’ communities in new managements", "the development and deployment of senior human resources" and "the increase in the ratio of residential housing as options for elderly care"; (2)Weaknesses in the realization of learning communities for senior citizens (W): "limitations from targeting middle to high income recipients as the main client base", "limited functions and quality of community learning systems for senior citizens" and "limited participation from senior citizens as the learning has yet to become a common practice". (3)Opportunities for the realization of learning communities for senior citizens (O): "the pressing problem of learning for senior citizens for the aging population", "the popular perspective of senior citizen education to be viewed as a ‘right’ instead of ‘welfare’", "the concerns on quality of retirement life for the baby boom generation", "the relevant laws and policies promulgated by the government that are beneficial to senior citizens’ learning", "the creation of the key system to turn communities into learning resources for senior citizens ", "the application of more information technology for senior citizens’ learning", "the trend of the elderly settling in local communities for retirement life over old people’s homes", "the transformation of empty classrooms in primary/secondary schools into learning centers for senior due to shoshika (the Japanese term coined to describe declining birth rates)" and "the gradual formation of the culture for lifelong learning in communities"; (4)Threats to the realization of learning communities for senior citizens (T): "the weakening of families’ ability to provide sufficient care for the elderly due to the shoshika phenomenon", "the large gap in available resources between urban and rural areas and the apparent segmentation characteristics" and "lower demands for housing due to unsatisfactory economic growth and reduced income"; 5.Action strategy for the realization of learning communities for senior citizens: at the individual level, there are four strategic implementations: "to create self-help groups for senior citizens", "to encourage senior citizens to participate in community and public affairs", "to arrange social events for senior citizens" and "to create a human resources bank for senior citizens" along with 17 schemes of implementation. At the community level, there are also four strategic implementations, namely: "to create an association for the promotion of lifelong learning for senior citizens", "to establish a lifelong learning resource center for senior citizens", "to establish a Golden Age Academy" and "to establish a service system to provide administrative support" along with 21 schemes of implementation. 6.The strategic planning model can be used as a basis for reference in the planning of Taiwan’s learning communities for senior citizens. Based on the conclusions obtained in the study, we came up with the following suggestions: 1.Suggestions for government agencies (1)Promote rudimentary education for senior citizens in communities (2)Adopt "active aging" as the highest guiding principle in the policies for senior education (3)Create a lifelong learning system for senior communities and introduce a new retirement perspective that encourages the integration of elderly care and learning (4)Establish a human resource bank for senior citizens and build a dedicated database for this purpose. 2.Suggestions for educational institutes (1)Promote collaboration between universities and retirement communities to create a mutually beneficial situation for both parties. (2)Make use of idle school resources and turn them into practical facilities for senior citizens in their learning. 3.Suggestions for businesses involved in the management of communities for senior citizens (1)Adopt the vision of "active aging" in the standard requirements for projects or management. (2)Establish a dedicated business unit in charge of promoting learning activities and events for senior citizens. (3)Develop an interlinked model for elderly care in retirement communities to realize the ideals of active aging domestically. 4.Suggestions for senior citizens (1)It is the right of senior citizens to acquire new knowledge; and thus they should actively participate in learning activities; (2)Acknowledge the vision for active learning and play an active role in social participation. 5.Suggestions for future research (1)Research targets: communities that are significantly older or individual targets that are actually living in a senior residential community to understand their needs and opinions. (2)Research methods: action research may be chosen in order to gain factual data. (3)Research tools: preferably with more weighting to other research methods. (4)Research topic: case studies or the assessment of feasibility of learning communities for senior citizens.


