  • 學位論文


A WWW Computer Assisted Learning System-A Case study for the Resolution and Resultant of the Force

指導教授 : 屠名正


本研究之主要目的係以發展一套全球資訊網之輔助學習系統之雛型,以靜力學中「力的分解與合成為例」,並針對學習理論、領域知識與網路技術之整合,來探討此系統之建構模式與適切性。 在研究方法上採文獻分析探討網路學習環境及學習理論之應用。然後經系統分析與規畫,提出全球資訊網輔助學習系統之功能內涵,再以雛型法進行系統開發,最後由使用者進行測試評估。 本研究所獲得之結論如下: 一、全球資訊網之輔助學習系統架構為 適切的全球資訊網之輔助學習系統架構,至少應包含:線上課程、線上測驗、學習活動區、教學管理、系統管理。 二、球資訊網之輔助學習系統的發展模式 本系統之發展首先針對認知學習理論探討與概念構圖法應用於線上課程之設計,經系統之分析、規畫、發展與製作來建構系統雛型,最後經反覆的測試修改完成系統。 三、全球資訊網之輔助學習系統建構之適切性 本研究依「可行性」、「實用性」與「需求性」之方面加以評估,經使用者評估和建構模式之實徵,應具有其適切性。


The primary purpose of this research is to develop the prototype of a www computer assisted learning(CAL)system. The resolution and resultant of the force in stastics is identified as an exemplary. And aiming at the learning theory, the field of knowledge, and network technology of the combine, the framework model and appropriateness of the systems are discussed. By document being analyzed, learning environment of the network and apply of the learning theory are discussed. After the CAL system being analyzed and planned, this research proposes the content and the function of the www CAL system. The system is to be developed by prototype method. Finally, the system is tested and evaluated by the user. The conclusions arrived in this research are as the followings: 1.The components of the www computer assisted learning system: The components should include at least the online curriculum, online test, area of learning activity, management of teachers, and management of system. 2.The model for developing the www computer assisted learning system The system is that discuss of the cognitive learning theory and concept mapping are applied in the design of online curriculum and it constructs the prototype of www CAL system by the analysis, the plan, the development and making. Through a recursive process of testing and refining, the prototype will be made into a complete system. 3.Appropriateness of construction of the www computer assisted learning system The system is evaluated according to three selected criteria:the feasibility, the practicality and the needs. It should be appropriate by users evaluating the system and by character of the constructing model.


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3. 王立行(民81):電腦輔助教學的理論與實務探討。資訊與教育雜誌,第30期,P24~33。
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謝禎宏(2006)。「問題本位學習」教學模式對國小 三年級學生科學概念與小組溝通之影響〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200600191
