  • 學位論文

諸羅樹蛙(Rhacoporus arvalis)生殖行為之研究

The Reproductive Behavior of Farmland Green Tree Frog (Rhacoporus arvalis)

指導教授 : 呂光洋


摘要 研究期間自1999年4月到9月,在雲林縣古坑鄉進行58天的野外觀察,並以去趾法(toe-clipping)及腰環上標法編號,研究諸羅樹蛙 (Rhacoporus arvalis)的生殖行為。 研究結果顯示,諸羅樹蛙具明顯的雌雄異型(size dimorphism),雌蛙平均體長較雄蛙平均體長大(雌蛙吻肛長平均值為62.2±2.7mm,雄蛙吻肛長平均值為46.2±2.3mm)。諸羅樹蛙為長時間生殖的蛙類,1999年的生殖季長達5個月,生殖活動受雨量和溫度影響,以7月、8月為最高峰。每夜雌雄生殖活動性比(OSR)極端偏向雄性(♂:♀=13.8:1)。利用最小凸多邊形法(minimum convex polygon method)估算雄蛙活動範圍平均為185.9平方公尺,以最大直線法估算移動距離平均為11.7公尺。 繁殖時,雌蛙受雄蛙鳴聲吸引而主動接近雄蛙,雌蛙對形成配對的雄蛙具有選擇性。配對形成後由雌蛙揹負雄蛙到地面找尋產卵點,產卵所需時間平均為92.6±21.1分鐘,配對形成至產卵結束所需時間平均為501±59.9分鐘,雌蛙揹負雄蛙移動距離平均為1032±851.4公分。卵泡內卵粒數平均為386±97.1顆。雄蛙可多次交配,配對系統屬於典型群集展示的一夫多妻制(lek polygyny)。雄蛙的交配成功與其在實驗樣區累積停留天數和捕捉次數有顯著相關,形成配對的雌雄蛙間具有體型相配情形(size-assortative)。


ABSTRACT The reproductive behaviors of the Farmland green tree frog (Rhacophorus arvalis) were studied at Yunling in central Taiwan from April to September 1999. The investigation took fifty-eight days in the field. The toe clipping and the waist-banded marking methods were employed to mark frogs. Rhacophorus arvalis shows obvious sexual dimorphism and in general, females are larger than males in body length Female mean snout-vent length (SVL) is 62.2±2.7 mm and male mean SVL is 46.2±2.3 mm. We have observed that the breeding season of Rhacophorus arvalis lasted five months in 1999. Rhacophorus arvalis is a prolonged breeder; its reproductive peaks were in July and August. Rainfall and temperature are the two major factors that affected the reproductive activitiea. The operational sex ratio (OSR) skewed toward males (♂:♀=13.8:1). Via the minimum convex polygon method, the mean home range of the male was 185.9 m2. Via the maximum length method, the estimated mean moving distance of males was 11.7 m. Females are attracted by calls of males and actively come to mate. Females could determine which male to mate with and select the egg-depositing site. The process of egg-depositing took 92.6±21.1minutes, while the mean time from amplexus to the completion of the foamy egg spawning took 501±59.9minutes. The mean pickaback distance was 1032±851.4 cm. The number of eggs in a clutch was 386±97.1. The mating system of Rhacophorus arvalis is lek polygyny. The number of days that males stay in the breeding area and the male mating success shows a significant positive correlation. Size-assortative mating is observed during amplexus.


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