  • 學位論文


A Study of Group Structures and Interaction Patterns in Primary School Science Classroom

指導教授 : 楊文金


本研究旨在以期望地位理論和社會認同理論為基礎,一方面描述自然科學習小組內,權力與尊榮階級分化的模式及其變動;另一方面探討小組內互動的模式,及其對科學學習的可能影響。 研究對象為三個國小高年級班級,以量化及質化進程進行分析:以社會計量法進行班級結構問卷之分析,並且使用無母數Friedman分析法對小組結構進行分析,以瞭解組內階級的分化及變動的情形;另一方面,使用溝通人種誌(ethnography of communication),對教室觀察、個別晤談資料進行分析,探討組內互動模式及其對科學學習的可能影響。主要的研究發現如下: (一)自然科學習小組內權力、尊榮階級分化的模式及變動 1. 小組結構依層級數不同,可以分為:一階式、二階式和三階式。由分布在不同位階上的成員人數,可將小組結構區分為五種類型:共和型、一枝獨秀型、相得亦彰型、朋黨型、相形見絀型。 2. 學生在班級結構與小組結構中的相對位階並不一致。 3. 隨著學期進行,小組結構的變動,大多是由一階或二階式變為三階式;除少數小組之外,多數學生在小組中位階的變動為降低到下一個層級。 (二)小組的互動模式及其對科學學習可能的影響 1. 小組成員經常依照高位階者的意見進行學習活動、並以高位階者的意見當成討論的結果,模仿高位階者填寫作業的方式填答習作簿。 2. 小組內位階最高和最低的成員,雖然在所觀察的單元教學活動中,都能以正確的步驟進行實驗操作。然而,高位階者在操作過程中,主動地一邊操作,一邊對研究者說明如此操作的理由;相反的,只有在研究者提出問題時,低位階者才會說明。 3. 位階最高者在考慮組員異動時,最希望以位階最低者換來其他組的位階最高者;位階最低的組員對於組內誰應該調走沒有表示意見,但是其最希望的新成員,卻也是其他小組的低位階者。 4. 一階式的小組中,成員在進行教學活動時,經常互相批評或質疑彼的操作方式、提出的意見,甚至出現爭吵不休,需要教師介入才能繼續進行活動的狀況。 5. 二階式的小組,高位階的學生於教學活動進行時,比低位階的學生們更常取得器具使用的機會、負責在教學活動中較重要的操作步驟,並且指揮同學們分工、排解操作過程中的紛爭;低位階者在高位階者進行操作時,經常在一旁觀看,並且應高位階者之要求提供其需要的協助。 6. 當小組內有多個高位階者時,高位階者對同位階者的意見表現出較慎重且正面的回應,對低位階者的意見較常以忽視或否定的方式回應;組內位階較者服從高位階者提出的意見,但是經常對同位階者作負面的批評。 7. 位階最低者,經常受到其他成員指責或抱怨其意見無用、操作錯誤、擾亂活動進行。 8. 小組成員可能以下列方式進行互動,改變個人的位階或小組結構:(1) 與高位階者建立較親密的關係;(2) 批評、糾正其他同位階者的行動過程及結果;(3)從非課內任務相關的維度,貶低其他成員的能力。 最後,就前述研究發現進行討論,並提出研究與科學教學的相關建議。


A Study of Group Structures and Interaction Patterns in Primary School Science Classroom Jung-Hua Yeh Drawing upon the expectation state theory and social identity theory, this study aimed at (1) describing the patterns and changes of small science learning groups’ power and prestige order, (2) investigating the modes of interaction and its implications of science learning. Two sixth grade classes and one fifth grade class were involved in the study. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches were adopted. By integrating sociometric questionnaires (the Classroom Structure Inventory and the Group Structure Inventory) and a non-parameter statistics method (the Friedman analysis model), the first set of problem was addressed. Following the ethnography of communication analysis of classroom observation and individual interview, the second set of problem was inquired. Major findings were listed as following: (1) Patterns and transformations of power and prestige orders in science learning group 1. Three types of group structures were identified: one-stage, two-stage and three-stage. Furthermore, five modes of group interactions were observed, there are: showy demonstration mode, single leader mode, bi-leaders mode, two parties mode, and cumbersome exclusion mode. 2. Students’ relative status indexed by group structure and class structure were not exactly match. 3. Groups’ structure tended to transform from one-stage or two-stage mode into three-stage mode after one semester of science teaching. Meanwhile, most students’ relative status in their group were demoted. (2) Patterns of group interactions and their possible effects on science learning 1. Group members usually respect and follow the high prestige members’ opinions during group discussion. 2. Though high prestige and low prestige members followed the procedures of science learning activity correctly, the former might explain the reasons of such procedures simultaneously. In contrast, the latter tried to do that only when asked. 3. Talking about the candidates of new membership, the highest prestige members hoped to replace the lowest one of their own group into someone who was the highest prestige member in other groups. The lowest prestige one didn’t suggest whom should be replaced, and the new candidate they suggested was the lowest prestige member in another groups. 4. In one-stage group, participants usually criticize, question or even argue with one another during the teaching activities. This situation always lasted while been the interrupted by the teacher. 5. In two-stage groups, high prestige members had more opportunity to access lab materials. They usually occupied the role of distributing responsibilities and resolving conflicts, whereas the lower ones always participated in as assistants or observers only. 6. When there were two or more members with high prestige in a given group, these members negotiated their ideas or opinions seriously, and denied most contributions provided by the other members. 7. The lowest prestige member(s) were usually blamed as troublemakers and having no contribution in group’s success. 8. By the following “tactics”, pupils’ prestige order and group structures might be changed: (1) establishing intimacy with the highest group-mates, (2) criticizing and correcting the procedures or opinions of those who where in the same prestige level, (3) debasing the ability of other members by introducing contingent issues. Accordingly, the implications of the above finding in science teaching were discussed, and further research recommendations were suggested.




