  • 學位論文


The Effects of Integrated Teaching Model of Multiple Intelligences and Problem-Solving on Mathematics Performance of Elementary School Students

指導教授 : 張景媛


本研究主要目的有三點:(一)探討「多元智能與問題解決整合型教學模式」對於國小學生數學學習成就、解題歷程及數學態度的影響;(二)分析接受「多元智能與問題解決整合型教學模式」的國小學生在課堂上小組討論內容的特色;(三)了解「多元智能與問題解決整合型教學模式」對於教師教學的影響為何。 本研究融合多元智能理論及問題解決教學,建構「多元智能與問題解決整合型教學模式」,實施在現行國小數學課程中;以北市及北縣各一所國小六年級學生各一班為研究對象。實驗組教師經由參與教師研習、資料閱讀及和教學督導與研究者的討論過程中建構相關理念,實施「多元智能與問題解決整合型教學模式」的實驗教學,控制組則由原班教師進行一般傳統教學。 兩組學生以六上學期初施測的「五下數學科成就測驗」及「數學態度量表」等得分為共變項;經過一學期實驗教學後,以六上學期末施測的「六上數學科成就測驗」及「數學態度量表」等得分為依變項,分別進行單因子共變數分析來考驗假設。另外並分析兩組學生的「個別放聲思考測驗」、「數學態度訪談」及實驗組學生的「課堂小組討論內容」、實驗組教師的「個別訪談」等資料。得到如下結論: 一、在數學學習成就方面,「多元智能與問題解決整合型教學模式」對於「五下數學科成就測驗」成績低於89分的國小學生具有顯著提升數學學習成就的效果。 二、在解題歷程方面: (一)實驗組學生在「自我表達能力」、「解題歷程」、「形成解題目標的能力」、「水平遷移能力」、「解題正確數」等方面的表現優於控制組學生。 (二)實驗組中、高成就學生在「運用圖示表徵」上的表現優於控制組中、高成就學生。 三、在數學態度方面: (一)「多元智能與問題解決整合型教學模式」具有顯著提高國小學生的整體數學態度、學習數學的信心及探究數學的動機等效果。 (二)在個別態度訪談上,實驗組學生具有「教師教學以學生為學習中心」、「容易將數學概念與生活應用相聯結」、「數學基模活化程度較廣」、「重視同儕互動」等四項特點;控制組學生具有「教師教學以教師為學習中心」、「容易將數學概念與計算相聯結」、「數學基模活化程度較低」等三項特點。 四、在實驗組學生課堂小組討論內容方面: (一)在「小組討論結果的類型上」,包含了「學生對某些問題討論出類似的結果」、「學生會討論出與課文不同的解法」、「學生以自己的生活經驗來思考」、「學生的特質影響解題成果」、「各組討論結果有差異」、「小組討論結果有其特色」等六種類型。 (二)在「教師引導小組討論的教學策略」上,具有「教師佈題對學生的影響」、「小組討論時教師的角色」、「小組討論結束之後的教學策略」等三種類型。 五、在實驗組教師進行實驗教學之後的想法上,教師知覺到自己的教學及學生的學習都產生了正向的改變。 最後,研究者根據研究結果提出未來應用「多元智能與問題解決整合型教學模式」進行教學及研究上的建議。


There are three major purposes of this study: (1) to explore the effect of Integrated Teaching Model of Multiple Intelligences and Problem-Solving on mathematics achievement, problem-solving process, and mathematics attitude, (2) to analyze the characteristics of the students’ group discussion in class, and (3) to investigate the effect of Integrated Teaching Model of Multiple Intelligences and Problem-Solving on the teacher’s instruction. This study combined the theory of multiple intelligences with problem-solving teaching strategy to form the Integrated Teaching Model of Multiple Intelligences and Problem-Solving and then put it into practice in the mathematics class of the elementary school. Our subjects include two classes, one from Taipei City and the other from Taipei County. The teacher in the treatment group learn the concepts of teaching via participation in the teacher’s further education, paper-reading and discussion. The teacher in the control group conducted a traditional instruction. Students’ scores on the “Mathematics Achievement Test of Grade Five” and pre-test of “Mathematics Attitude Scale” were the covariates, and scores on the “Mathematics Achievement Test of Grade Six” and post-test of “Mathematics Attitude Scale” were the dependent variables. They were submitted to one-way ANCOVA in order to see the effects of the new teaching method. Besides, both groups’ answers on the test of “Thinking Aloud” and in the mathematics attitude’s interview, as well as contents of small group discussion in class, and the treatment group teacher’s answers in the interview were analyzed. The results were summarized as follows: 1. About mathematics achievement, Integrated Teaching Model of Multiple Intelligences and Problem-Solving enhanced the mathematics achievement of the treatment group students whose pre-test were below 89. 2. About problem-solving process: (1) The performance of the treatment group on the ability of self-expression, to form a goal and to transfer laterally, as well as the problem-solving process, and accuracy numbers were better than that of the control group students. (2) The middle and high achievement students in the treatment group perform better on diagramming than control group students. 3. About mathematics attitude: (1) Integrated Teaching Model of Multiple Intelligences and Problem-Solving enhanced the treatment group students’ mathematics attitude, confidence in mathematics-learning, and motive of mathematics-exploring. (2) The treatment group students’ attitude features “student-centered teaching”, “application of the mathematics concepts in daily life”, “wide mathematics schema”, and “focus on student-student interaction”. Control group students’ attitude features “teacher-centered teaching”, “application of the mathematics concepts with computation”, and “narrow mathematics schema”. 4. About the characteristics of the students’ group discussion in class: (1) The results of the small group discussion can be divided into six types: “students have similar solutions to some problems”, “students have different solutions from those in the textbook”, “students think based on their life experiences”, “students’ characteristics influenced their solutions”, “there were differences among every group’s solutions”, and “each group’s solution has its own characteristics”. (2) The teacher’s teaching strategy can be divided into three types: “the influence of the teacher’s problem-presenting”, “teacher’s role in the process of small group discussion”, “teacher’s teaching strategy after small group discussion”. 5. About the treatment group teacher’s opinion, the teacher was aware of positive change both on teacher’s teaching and students’ learning. Based on the findings of this study, we proposed suggestions for future applications and future research of the new teaching model.


