  • 學位論文


A Study of the Effects of a Physical Fitness Program's Practice on Students' Fitness Cognition and Performance

指導教授 : 闕月清


體適能課程實施對學生體適能認知及表現之影響研究 —以石牌國中為例— 研 究 生:吳玉妹 指導教授:闕月清 日 期:中華民國90年6月 摘要 本研究以質與量的方法,探討體適能課程教學,對台北市立石牌國中一年級學生的體適能認知及表現之影響。本研究的研究對象為兩班男女合班學生共71人,A班:男生18人、女16人,實施傳統體育課程教學;B班:男生20人、女17人,實施體適能課程教學;其研究方法在量的部分,為體適能認知與體適能檢測,採T考驗。為了深入了解實施體適能課程教學,對學生體適能認知的影響,從參與者中抽樣18人,進行一對一訪談並做開放式紙筆問答,進行資料蒐集,然後將所蒐集的資料加以分析、整理、歸納。研究結果顯示,A班學生對體適能意義的詮釋,前後並無太大差異,如「體適能就是考驗體能或運動能力」等,經由T考驗得知,體適能認知也未達顯著標準;而B班學生對體適能意義的詮釋能力則明顯提升,並能較完整地陳述出體適能的意義,如,體適能課程教學前的「體適能就是運動的能力」,到體適能課程教學後的「體適能就是身體適應生活、活動與環境的綜合體力」等,經由T考驗得知,相較於體適能課程教學前,學生對體適能認知在體適能課程教學後明顯進步,達顯著標準,P<.05。至於學生的體適能表現,A班學生在柔軟度呈現退步現象,其餘各項如,體指數、瞬發力、柔軟度與心肺耐力皆有進步,其中瞬發力達顯著標準;B班學生的體適能表現每項皆有進步,除了心肺耐力未達顯著標準外,其餘,體指數、肌耐力、柔軟度與瞬發力皆達顯著標準,P<.05。上述研究結果,可供教育行政機關、師資培育機構、國中體育教師及後續研究者參考。 關鍵字:體適能、體適能認知、體適能表現、傳統體育課程、體適能課程


A Study of the Effects of a Physical Fitness Program’s Practice on Students’ Fitness Cognition and Performance — As Illustrated by Taipei Shih-pai Municipal Junior High School — Master’s Thesis 2001 Wu Yu-mei Advisor: Keh nyit Chin, Ph. D. Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the practice of a physical fitness program on fitness cognition and performance of seventh grade students from Taipei Shih-pai Municipal Junior High School. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used to analyses fitness cognition and fitness performance of the students. The participants of this study were 71 students from 2 coed classes. Class A consisted of 34 students (male=18; female=16) were instructed using traditional physical education program. Class B consisted of 37 students (male=20; female=17) were instructed using physical fitness program. The effects of the practice of the fitness program on students’ fitness cognition and performance were assessed by t-tests. Eighteen students were sampled to be interviewed and answered the open-ended questionnaires. Data collected were analyzed using content analysis. The results indicated that no significant difference was found for students of class A in interpreting the meanings of fitness before and after the PE program. The students’ fitness cognition did not meet the standard (p<.05) . On the other hand, students of class B could interpret the meanings of fitness better than before and met the standard (p<.05) according to t-test. As for students’ fitness performance, students of class A showed improvement in body composition, power, muscular endurance and cardiovascular endurance and power met the standard. Students of class B made progress in every item. Body composition, muscular endurance, flexibility and power met the standard, p<.05. The above results have implications for education and administration units, teacher’s training institutions, Junior High School teachers and researchers interested in related studies. Key word: Physical Fitness, Fitness Cognition, Fitness Performance,Traditional Physical Education Program, Physical Fitness Program.


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