  • 學位論文


Research on major choice and prediction about academic achievements for the first grade of senior high students.

指導教授 : 陳文典


本研究目的在於運用高一學生各科段考成績、性向及興趣測驗分數,來探討對高一學生文理選組的影響,並預測選組後物理科的學業成就。研究對象係臺北市某一所公立高中兩屆一共636位學生。性向及興趣測驗分數分別是採用「多因素性向測驗」及「大學入學考試中心興趣量表」兩種測驗所得的結果。而物理科學業成就是採用學校之段考成績以及臺北區大學入學聯合模擬考之物理成績。 本研究採用縱貫性研究法,並以兩屆學生作比較。所得之資料以單因子多變項變異數分析、T檢定、Pearson積差相關、逐步迴歸分析等統計方法處理後,研究結果如下: 一、對高一未分組或是對自然組的學生而言,性向和興趣測驗都具有顯著的性別差異現象。而物理科學業成就卻因學生屆別不同,而未必有顯著性別差異現象。 二、在性向與選組方面,若男生在機械推理、空間關係及抽象推理的分數較高,則將偏向於選擇自然組;但對女學生而言,性向與選組之間,並無顯著的關係。 三、男、女學生的自然組興趣類型都是一樣的,為實用型和研究型。 四、男、女學生的性向測驗和興趣測驗都無法預測物理科的學業成就;但是比較起來,性向測驗和物理科學業成就的相關性較興趣測驗為高。 五、男、女學生在高一的基礎物理和數學之段考成績,均可有效預測物理科學業成就;另外,對男生而言,國文科亦具有效的預測力。 六、興趣測驗和性向測驗之間的相關性甚低(γ<0.3);但男學生的性向對興趣的預測效果,較女學生為高。 七、綜合言之,興趣測驗和性向測驗適合於高中生選組之用,但與學業成就無必然關係;預測學科表現的有效工具,為關聯強度高的學科成就測驗。 最後,根據研究之結果,提出在教學上之建議及未來在研究上可改進的方向。


性向 興趣 學業成就 選組 預測


This study attempted to apply the scores on the aptitude, interest test and school monthly examinations of the first grade of senior high students to investigate the behavior of their majoring in physics, and to predict academic achievements in physics after the students choose physics as their major. We have 636 high school students chosen as the sample students including two grades from some public senior high schools in Taipei. The instruments used in this study are the Multi-factor Aptitude Test, the CEEC Vocational Interest Inventory, in addition to school monthly examinations and the Mock Examination, Test of the Joint Entrance Examination Taken by Public and Private Senior High Schools in Great Taipei Area for physics academic achievements. The research employed longitudinal method comparing with the students of two different grades. The data of this study are analyzed by one-way multivariate analysis of variance (one-way MANOVA), Student’s t-test, Pearson’s product-moment correlation and the multiple stepwise regression procedure, as well as the descriptive analysis method. The results are as follows: 1.Both before or after choosing major, there is significant sex/gender difference in aptitude and interest. After choosing major, there is no significant sex/gender difference in all physics academic achievements. 2.If male students gain higher test scores in mechanical reasoning, spatial relation, and abstract reasoning, they’ll tend to choose science major. For female students, there is no significant correlation between the aptitude and major choice. 3.For most students, the interest types for the students majoring in science include both realistic type and investigative type. 4.Most students’ aptitude and interest can’t predict physics academic achievements. The correlation between aptitude and physics academic achievements is higher than that between interest and physics academic achievements. 5.Most senior high first grade students’ scores on foundation physics and mathematics can predict effectively physics academic achievements. Especially for male students, Chinese test can also predict physics academic achievements. 6.The correlation between aptitude and interest is very low(γ<0.3). Male students’ aptitude has more effective prediction to interest than female students’. 7.In a word, interest test and aptitude test suit for the first grade of senior high to choose major, but not to predict physics academic achievements. The effective instrument to predict physics academic achievements is the high correlative academic achievement test. Finally, the study offers suggestions for further studies of education and research. Key Word: aptitude, interest, academic achievement, choosing major, predict


aptitude interest academic achievement choosing major predict


Brown ,F.G.(1983):Principles of educational and psychological testing,New York:Holt


