  • 學位論文


Investigation on the Relationship between the Use of Metaphors and the Junior High School Students’ Understanding when Reading the Science Text— The Example of the 〝El Nino〞

指導教授 : 楊文金


摘 要 本研究旨在探討在科學文本中加入隱喻的使用,對有無聽聲閱讀及不同讀圖能力之國中學生閱讀「聖嬰現象」之閱讀理解的影響。 以桃園縣某國中二年級124位學生為對象,並發展「文本自由回憶測驗」與「閱讀理解測驗」作為測量學生閱讀理解的工具,以瞭解不同讀圖能力學生在不同條件(有無聽聲)下,閱讀不同文本後,其對文本內容的記憶、理解及其長期的學習成效;另外再晤談23位學生,深入了解學生對科學文本中加入隱喻使用的看法與感受。最後將所蒐集之資料編碼計分,以二因子變異數分析方式進行統計分析。 研究結果顯示,隱喻的使用的確有助於學生對科學文本的閱讀理解。除了能增進學生對文本內容之正確命題的回憶,並減少對錯誤命題的回憶之外,隱喻對閱讀理解的影響更顯現在它長期的效應上。就長期而言,閱讀有隱喻文本學生對文本內容有較多且正確的回憶,對文本所呈現訊息亦有較佳的正確理解。反之,聽聲閱讀與讀圖能力的影響則顯現在短期成效上,隨著時間的延長,兩者對學生閱讀理解的影響將會隨之減少。由此可知,學生在對科學文本的閱讀歷程中,似乎能藉由隱喻提取已存的認知基模映射在文本的抽象概念上。藉此,學生對文本概念的記憶與理解能因此保留的更久。


隱喻 科學文本 閱讀理解


Abstract The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of students’ understanding when reading the "El Nino" science text which metaphors were added. Two factors were also considered: reading with/without playing the audiotape which read aloud the science text by the researcher, and students’ ability of reading science diagram. In this study, one hundred and twenty four 8th graders were sampled from one junior high school in Tao-Yuan county. Utilized “Free recall test” and “reading comprehension test” to assess the students with different ability of reading science diagram at two conditions(with/without playing the audiotape)who their memory , understanding, and the results of their long-term learning about the text contents after reading different text (with/without the metaphors). In addition, 23 students were selected for individual interview to further comprehend their opinions and feelings about metaphors used in science text. In this research, it is clearly revealed that metaphors used in science text really can improve the students’ understanding when they are reading the science text. The metaphors were found not only to enhance the students’ recalls of correct-propositions but also to decrease the students’ recalls of wrong-propositions about the science text contents. In addition, the influences of metaphors on the students’ reading comprehension were getting significant with time. After a long period of time, the students who read the text with metaphors were still possessed of more and correct recalls as well as better understanding about the information in text. In contrast, the effects of reading with the audiotape and ability of reading science diagram on students’ reading comprehension were short-term and getting less and less with time. Therefore, for students in the period of reading science text, the existent cognition templates can be recalled by metaphors and then projected on the abstractive concepts of text. As a result, the students can keep their memory and understanding for text contents for a long time.


Metaphor Science Text Comprehension


Michael R. Matthews(1994):The Role of History and Philosophy of


