  • 學位論文


A Study on Pestalozzi's Preschool Education Concepts

指導教授 : 何慧敏


摘 要 本研究探究裴斯塔洛齊(Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi,1746 ~ 1827)一生事業與著作中學前教育之思想。本研究方法採用文獻分析法,根據裴氏原著的中、英譯本以及國內外相關論述,作為分析、歸納、統整的依據。 裴氏深受康門紐斯、洛克、萊布尼茲、盧梭以及康德等哲人思想的啟迪,將其一生投入於兒童教育改革和教育科學研究。他反對絕對理性和奴性的宗教道德的價值觀,將人性為善或為惡視為人本能進化發展的結果,企圖透過教育除去宗教帶來的恐懼和迷信,同時,藉由教育促使人內在潛能的發展,使人成為具有道德意識和實踐能力的自由人。 裴氏強調教育始自於幼兒的起居室,提倡學前教育的重要。他主張學前教育應由感性出發,教育者必須具備有如理想母親的女性特質,母親或是教師必須是理智和情感和諧的成熟人,能夠尊重幼兒與鼓勵幼兒,給予幼兒適度和理智的愛,以細心、耐心和犧牲奉獻的精神照顧幼兒的生活起居,並且具有敏銳的觀察力以提供適切的學習經驗。再者,健全人格的養成是其學前教育的重心,因而重視幼兒道德的培養和自我克制力的養成,鼓勵幼兒邁向獨立。提倡在生活中學習與感官和諧的教學原則,以及教學奠定在幼兒預備成熟的發展基礎和其興趣上。因此,主張將遊戲溶入教學,同時,藉由體能活動、繪畫與音樂等發展幼兒的感官、知能、語言和培養其道德感、幸福感。最後,達到幼兒「心、頭、手」整體和諧發展之目的。 本研究結果,綜合歸納裴氏學前教育思想之特質:教育自生活中取材,直觀是一切經驗的基礎。其次,裴氏全人教育的理想特別強調天人物我之間的均衡關係。再者,提倡順從自然的教學方法,主張教育的實施必須依據幼兒身心發展的順序。同時,裴氏重視親子關係,強調母子之間的信賴感是幼兒各方面能力發展的基礎。因此,他特別注重教師的素質,強調教師必須具有愛心和充分認識幼兒心智發展的能力。 最後探討裴氏學前教育思想可作為我國現代幼兒教育與家庭教育之借鏡:即是以學習者為導向,將幼兒視為學習的主體。其次,幼兒園所應以多元文化、家庭系統的觀點與兩性平等的共識為前提,推展合宜的親職教育。再者,現代教師應培養宗教情懷的教育觀,幫助幼兒均衡的發展以成為「幸福之人」。此外,透過公共的教育或政策介入,幫助父母真正落實家庭教育。 因此,裴氏對於學前教育提出的精闢看法,值得我國現代幼教師、父母和家庭教育工作者參考。


Abstract This study investigates the preschool education concepts of Johann Heinrich Pestalosszi (1746 ~ 1827). This study is based on the analysis, induction and summarization of Chinese and English translation as well as related studies about Pestalozzi. Deeply influenced by the philosophical thinking of John Amos Comenius, John Locke, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Immanuel Kant, Pestalozzi dedicated his life to the reformation of young children education and the research of education science. He objected to the philosophy of absolute rationalization and slavish religious moral. Whether a man would become to be a good one or a bad one, this depends on the development of his nature. Through education he tried to eliminate the fear and superstition that created by religion. By means of education the potential of a person can be developed and a person becomes a free man with moral consciousness and of practical ability. Pestalozzi emphasized the importance of preschool education. According to him education should begin in the living room of young children. He insisted that education should be applied with emotion. The educator should own the quality of a mother. Both mother and teacher should be a mature person with harmonious emotion and rationalization who can respect and encourage young children, give them rational love properly. The educator should not only take care of young children with love and patience, but also be able to provide necessary experiences through sensible observation. Furthermore, preschool education should focus on the building of a healthy character. Therefore young children should be encouraged to be independent and to build up their own moral sense and the ability of self-denial. Pestalozzi suggested the principles of learning in everyday life and harmonious sensual development. According to him preschool education should be based on the interest of young children and the development to be a mature person. Thus, playing should be integrated into teaching processes. The sense of moral and happiness can be built up through physical, musical and drawing activities and the development of sensual organs, intelligence as well as languages. Eventually harmonious development of Heart, Head and Hand can be reached. The characteristics of Pestalozzi’s preschool education concepts can be summed up as followed. A person’s Anschauung on his environment is the ground of all experiences, thus a person should learn from his living environment. His idea of holistic education emphasizes a balanced relationship between god and human. He suggested that teaching methods should be consistent with nature and education should be based on the physical and mental developing progress of young children. Parent-children relation is also emphasized by Pestalozzi, since the development of young children is based on the trustfulness between mother and child. Therefore, he set a high value on the teacher’s quality. That means, a teacher should be familiar with the development of young children and love them. Finally, this study discussed how can Pestalozzi’s preschool education concepts applied to the young children and family education in our country. Learning should be oriented toward the learner – young children. Proper parenting education based on sexual equality, multicultural perspectives and family system should be promoted in Kindergarten. Teachers nowadays should own religious educational concept, only then can they help young children to have balanced development and to become a “happy person”. The government should help parents to realize family education through public educational polices. Thus, the preschool education concepts of Pestalozzi should be very good references for kindergarten teachers, parents and social workers in family education.


