  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 蔡居澤博士


實施「景點解說方案課程」對國中生學習態度 影響之研究---以屏東縣琉球國中為例 摘 要 本研究依據理論基礎與文獻探討編擬一套適合國中學生實施之景點解說方案課程,利用綜合活動課時間進行實驗課程,目的在探討此套課程對國中學生在綜合活動課程學習態度方面是否有積極正向的學習成效。 本研究是採準實驗設計的「不等組前後測設計」,驗証景點解說方案課程的實施成效。研究對象為國民中學八年級的學生,實驗組學生26名,控制組學生29名,總計55名。實驗組利用綜合活動課接受景點解說方案課程的實驗處理,控制組則上一般的綜合活動課程。兩組教學皆由研究者擔任教學工作,每週進行一次教學,總共進行十個單元。研究者以自編之「綜合活動課程學習態度量表」為評量工具,以組別、性別、社經背景為自變項;「綜合活動課程學習態度」總量表及學習慾望、學習過程、學習方法、綜合活動學習信念四分量表之得分為依變項,以單因子及二因子共變數分析,分別考驗各假設;並配合紀錄上課過程、學生回饋與教學者反思,以提供未來景點解說方案課程實施之參考依據與建議 研究所得結果如下: 一、景點解說方案課程總共十個單元,方案的特色在於將相關文獻,透過活潑化的景點解說方案教學,讓學生能學到景點解說的相關知識與技能。 二、景點解說方案課程之實施鼓勵學生多去思考、學習如何做景點解說並應用在日常生活中。 三、景點解說方案課程以「綜合活動課程學習態度量表」、「景點解說方案教學回饋表」及學生學習心得以及研究者對自己教學活動的反思,來評鑑景點解說方案課程實施之效果。 四、實驗組受試者,在接受「景點解說方案」後,其在「綜合活動課程學習態度」總量表及學習慾望、學習過程、學習方法、學習信念等四分量表之得分與控制組做比較,具有顯著差異。 五、「景點解說方案課程」之學習態度效果並不隨著性別的不同而有所不同。 六、「景點解說方案課程」之學習態度效果並不隨著社經背景的不同而有所不同。 根據研究結果,本研究針對景點解說方案課程之規劃、實施與評鑑之原則、學校及未來研究者提出一些建議。 關鍵字:景點解說方案課程、學習態度、小琉球


A Research on Students’ Learning Attitude towards the Student Tour Guide Course: A Case Study of the Ping Tung Liu-Chiu Junior High School Abstract Based on relevant theories and literature review, this paper aims to design an ideal tour guide course for junior high school students and discuss students’ learning effectiveness toward the course currently test-conducted during extracurricular hours. The Nonequivalent Pretest-Posttest Design is adopted as the research method, so as to assess the effectiveness of the tour guide course. Subjects are 55 students from the ninth grade of junior high school, with 26 of them in the experimental group and 29 in the control group. For the experimental group, a tour guide training program was incorporated in the, while the control group received ordinary integrative activities. With a total of 10 lessons, researchers served as the instructors in both groups once a week, and made use of the self-designed “Evaluation Sheet of the Learning Attitude toward the Student Tour Guide Course.” Independent variables comprise group, gender, and socio-economic background, while motivation for learning, process, methods, and interest in the course are dependent variables; then, 1-Way ANCOVA and 2-Way ANOVA were adopted to verify the assumptions. Classroom procedure, students’ feedback, and teachers’ reflection were also recorded for future reference. The research objectives and results are as follows: 1. Ten lessons (units) were included in the training program, which featured an integration of related documents and dynamic teaching to equip students with the knowledge and skills for “narrating” the story behind scenic spots. 2. The course encouraged students to find out for themselves how to be a good student guide in their daily life. 3. Such evaluative tools as learning attitude evaluation sheets, students’ feedback sheets, and the reflections of both teachers and students were used to assess the efficacy. 4. Compared with students in the control group, those in the experimental group, who received additional instruction of the course, showed remarkable difference on their evaluation sheets. 5. Students’ learning attitude toward the course does not vary with gender. 6. Students’ learning attitude toward the course does not vary with socio-economic background. Based upon the results, suggestions were offered in the end as to how similar tour guide courses can be designed, implemented, and evaluated by schools and researchers alike in the future. Key words: Tour Guide Course, Learning Attitude, Xiao Liu Chiu




許囷芸(2014)。新移民子女數學學習態度之研究 -以桃園縣一所國民小學為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201400277
