  • 學位論文


A Study of the Job Stress and It's Coping Way for Senior Vocational School's Military Instructors in Taipei City

指導教授 : 胡茹萍


本研究旨在瞭解臺北市高職軍訓教官工作壓力與因應方式現況,並比較不同背景變項的臺北市高職軍訓教官,其工作壓力與因應方式之差異情形。依據調查問卷結果,提出具體建議,提供教育部軍訓處、臺北市政府教育局軍訓室參考,以減輕臺北市高職軍訓教官工作壓力,俾利於臺北市高職軍訓教官推展軍訓工作業務。 本研究範圍以臺北市96學年度服務於高職之軍訓教官為研究母群共135位,預試對象採分層隨機抽樣方式實施問卷調查共63位,正式問卷為防樣本被污染,預試過之對象皆不再重做,共發出72份,回收有效問卷計63份,可用率87.5%,所得資料以SPSS統計軟體執行分析,採用算數平均數、標準差、t考驗與單因子變異數分析等統計方法分析,以驗證研究問題。本研究結果,獲得以下結論: 一、臺北市高職軍訓教官對整體之工作壓力可以面對,不會覺得其帶來的工作 壓力很大或是完全沒有工作壓力。 二、臺北市高職軍訓教官在「工作負荷」層面的工作壓力感受較沉重。 三、面對工作負荷,服務年資21年以上之臺北市高職軍訓教官比服務年資11- 20(含)年承受的工作壓力大。 四、面對教育變革,服務年資21年以上之臺北市高職軍訓教官比服務年資10 (含)年以下與11-20(含)年承受的工作壓力大。 五、臺北市高職軍訓教官面對工作壓力時,較常採用的因應方式是「邏輯分析 與放鬆」,最不常採用的因應方式是「逃避問題」。 六、服務年資21年以上之臺北市高職軍訓教官運用問題解決的工作壓力因應方 式的頻率比服務年資11-20(含)年的頻率高。 七、年齡41歲以上之臺北市高職軍訓教官使用逃避問題之工作壓力因應 方式的頻率高於31-40(含)歲與40歲以下之臺北市高職軍訓教官。


The purpose of this study aims to understand the job stress and the current circumstances. There is comparing the ways for senior vocational school’s military instructors in Taipei and also analyzed the differences among variables of military instructors’ backgrounds on this issue. The population in the study was consisted of military instructors serving at senior vocational schools published by Taiwanese Ministry in 2008. Of the 72 questionnaire issued, 69 returned, usefully percentage 87.5%. The data obtained was analyzed with the statistical software SPSS by adopting arithmetic means, standard devastations, t-test, one-way ANOVA, etc., to verify the questions. Based on the results, major findings are summarized as the follows: 1.For senior vocational school’s military instructors in Taipei, there was modest job stress in work ambiance. 2.For senior vocational school’s military instructors in Taipei, large job stress on work loadings. 3.For senior vocational school’s military instructors in Taipei, facing work loading, over 21 year’s military instructors have large work pressure than 11 to 20 years. 4.For senior vocational school’s military instructors in Taipei, facing education change, over 21 year’s military instructors have large work pressure than upper 10 years and 11 to 20 years. 5.For senior vocational school’s military instructors in Taipei, facing job stress was often take method of logically analysis and relaxes, problem-avoidance lesser. 6.For senior vocational school’s military instructors facing job tress in Taipei, work years over 21 years, take problem-solving more often than 11 to 20 years. 7.For senior vocational school’s military instructors facing job tress in Taipei, age over 41 years old, take problem-avoidance more often than age 31 to 40 years old and upper 40 years old. Finally, based on findings, this research provided useful suggestions for administrators, senior vocational schools, military instructors, and research for further study.




