  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 游進年博士


臺北縣國民中學心理師進駐學校方案實施成效之評估 摘要 本研究旨在探討臺北縣國民中學心理師進駐學校方案實施成效、相關問題、方案之影響及所遭遇的困難等看法,以做為未來繼續執行心理師進駐學校服務方案之參考依據。 為達成研究目的,本研究透過問卷調查相關資料,以自編之「臺北縣國民中學心理師進駐學校方案之評估調查問卷」,對臺北縣公立國民中學學校人員(包含教師兼任行政人員及專任教師)進行調查研究。總計問卷發出750份,回收557份,所得資料以t 考驗與單因子多變項變異數分析進行統計分析。 依據資料分析結果,獲致以下結論: 壹、 在心理師進駐學校實施成效方面 ㄧ、臺北縣國民中學學校人員對於心理師進駐學校實施成效持肯定。 二、臺北縣國民中學學校人員認為個案服務達成效。 三、臺北縣國民中學學校人員認為建立輔導體制達成效。 四、臺北縣國民中學學校人員認為增進輔導知能達成效。 五、臺北縣國民中學學校人員認為實施成效會因學校地區而有差異。 貳、 心理師進駐學校相關問題方面 ㄧ、臺北縣國民中學學校人員對於心理師進駐學校認為有其必要性。 二、臺北縣國民中學學校人員了解心理師與輔導教師的區別。 三、臺北縣國民中學學校人員認為心理師能與各處室充分合作。 四、臺北縣國民中學學校人員認為學生願意接受心理師服務。 五、臺北縣國民中學學校人員擔心經費問題使心理師無法持續到校服務。 參、 心理師進駐學校影響方面 ㄧ、臺北縣國民中學學校人員對方案本身持肯定。 二、臺北縣國民中學學校人員對方案執行組織持肯定。 三、臺北縣國民中學學校人員對方案執行人員持肯定 四、臺北縣國民中學學校人員對方案執行方式持肯定。 依據研究結論,本研究提出以下建議,以作為心理師進駐學校之參考: 壹、對教育行政主管機關的建議 ㄧ、持續補助心理師駐校服務經費。 二、建立經費核撥標準。 三、提供各校經驗分享平台。 四、發展心理師駐校方案評鑑制度。 五、規劃駐校心理師與校園心理衛生中心結合方案。 六、加強偏遠地區學校宣導以提升心理師駐校成效。 七、鼓勵發展學校本位需求的方案。 貳、對學校、行政主管的建議 ㄧ、重視學務輔導單位之合作。 二、建立完善的校內轉介流程。 三、確立心理師駐校服務專責人員。 四、建立輔導團隊。 五、鼓勵每一位老師參與心理師駐校工作。 六、發展學生問題類型的處遇方式。 七、辦理心理師駐校計畫研討會,推廣心理師協助處理學生個案之理念,以有效處理學生問 題。 八、辦理教師如何與心理師合作等研習以增進教師輔導知能,提供適當有效的輔導。 九、對於參與心理師駐校之導師給予支持關懷,提供課務處理協助。 參、對教師的建議 ㄧ、敏於覺察個案,並能做必要的介入與輔導。 二、積極參與有關心理師駐校相關之研習活動,以對學生的問題有正確的認知。


A Case Study on the Evaluation on the Program for Psychologists’ Assistance with Students Counseling in Junior High Schools in Taipei County Abstract The study was aimed to explore the outcomes and impacts of the program for psychologists’ assistance with students counseling in junior high schools in Taipei County. Firstly, it analyzed the implementation of the program. Secondly, it tried to discover difficulties the program was confronted with. Thirdly, it laid the emphasis on the effect of the program. And finally, this study tired to make some suggestion for psychologists’ assistance with junior high schools' students counseling in the future. In order to answer the assumptions, both questionnaire survey and in-depth interview were administered to collect pertinent data. The former included the following aspects: the current implemented situation, results, related issues and effects evaluation of the program of psychologists assisting with students counseling in junior high schools in Taipei County. Forty junior high schools were sampled as a frame, 750 teachers as subject in terms of stratified sampling. 557 subjects completed the questionnaire. Both t-tests, one-way ANOVA were used to analyze the collected data. Besides, the descriptive statistics was concluded as well. According to the analysis results, the conclusions were as follows: 1. The effect of psychologists’ assistance with students counseling in junior high schools in Taipei County: (1) The staffs of junior high schools in Taipei County took a positive attitude toward the effect of the program. (2) The staffs of junior high schools in Taipei County agreed that the set-up objective of the cases service and the establishment of students counseling system was carried out. (3) The staffs of junior high schools in Taipei County acknowledged that teachers' counseling profession and skills were enhanced. (4) The staffs of junior high schools in Taipei County recognized that the effect of the program was different in terms of school location. 2. The issues regarding psychologists’ assistance with students counseling in junior high schools in Taipei County: (1) The staffs of junior high schools in Taipei County considered that this program is necessary. (2)The staffs of junior high schools in Taipei County understood the difference between school psychologists and counseling teachers; (3) The staffs of junior high schools in Taipei County agreed that school psychologists can cooperate well with every department of the school. (4) The staffs of junior high schools in Taipei County thought that the students were willing to accept school psychologists' assistance. (5) The staffs of junior high schools in Taipei County worried about the services offered by school psychologists might be cut short because of insufficient budget 3. The influence of the program of psychologists’ assistance with students counseling in junior high schools in Taipei County: (1) The staffs of junior high schools in Taipei County supported this program; (2) The staffs of junior high schools in Taipei County agreed that the schools accepted psychologists' service were glad to see this service worked well; (3) The staffs of junior high schools in Taipei County took part in the program were pleased to see it worked well, (4) The staffs of junior high schools in Taipei County took a positive points of view on the implementation of the program. Based on above-mentioned conclusions, some suggestions were addressed to the educational authority concerned, junior high schools and their executive directors and teachers respectively.


